Senate Democrats

January 2013
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Day January 4, 2013

Reid Announces Updated Committee Assignments For 113th Congress

Washington, D.C. – The Democratic Steering Committee approved updated committee assignments for Democratic senators in the 113th Congress.  A list of the anticipated assignments is below. The anticipated committee assignments are subject to approval by the full Democratic caucus and approval of an organizing resolution by the full Senate. Anticipated Committee Democratic Assignments for the 113th…


Senate Floor Wrap Up for Friday, January 4, 2013

No ROLL CALL VOTES   LEGISLATIVE ITEMS Passed H.R.41, an act to temporarily increase the borrowing authority of the Federal Emergency Management Agency for carrying out the National Flood Insurance Program by voice vote.   No EXECUTIVE ITEMS


Reid Statement On December Employment Report

Washington, DC– Nevada Senator Harry Reid released the following statement on the December employment report. According to the Labor Department, the economy added 155,000 jobs in December: “Our economy continues to grow and create jobs, but for those still unemployed in Nevada and throughout the nation, the recovery will not be a reality until they…


Senate Floor Schedule for Friday, January 3, 2013

Convenes: 12:30pm Following any Leader remarks, the Senate will recess for the Joint Session for the counting of the electoral votes. Senators will gather at 12:45pm to proceed together to the Joint Session.
