Senate Democrats

January 2013
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Day January 3, 2013

Senate Floor Wrap Up for Thursday, January 3, 2013

No ROLL CALL VOTES   LEGISLATIVE ITEMS Adopted S.Res.1, a resolution notifying the President that a quorum of each House has assembled.   Adopted S.Res.2, a resolution notifying the House that a quorum of the Senate has assembled.   Adopted S.Con.Res.1, a concurrent resolution to provide for the counting on January 4, 2013, of the…


Video: Swearing In For New Members Of The Senate Democratic Caucus

Tammy Baldwin sworn in as U.S. Senator for Wisconsin   Joe Donnelly sworn in as U.S. Senator for Indiana   Martin Heinrich sworn in as U.S. Senator for New Mexico   Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.), Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii), and Tim Kaine (D-Va.) sworn in as U.S. Senators   Angus King sworn in as U.S. Senator for…


Reid Remarks To Convene The 113th Congress

“As we advance the debate over the best way to strengthen our economy and reduce our deficit during the 113th Congress, Democrats will continue to stand strong for the principle of balance.” “No major legislation can pass the Senate without the votes of both Democrats and Republicans. During the 113th Congress, the Speaker should strive…


Senate Floor Schedule for Thursday, January 3, 2013

The 113th Congress will convene at 12:00noon on Thursday, January 3, 2013. Following the prayer and pledge, the Senate will be presented with the certificates of election and subsequently swear-in elected Members. Following the swearing-in, the Senate will conduct a required live quorum.  Senators are requested to be on the floor at this time.
