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Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability


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News and Events

National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors and Congestion Study project news, events, and announcements.

For press inquiries please contact the press office.

March 6, 2008

DOE Issues Order Denying Requests for Rehearing

The Department of Energy has completed its consideration of the issues raised in the rehearing applications, as well as in the requests for stay, and has concluded that they are without merit. Therefore, the rehearing applications and requests for stay in both dockets are denied. The order and a related press release are available on the "Order Denying Rehearing" page on this Web site.

December 3, 2007

DOE Issues Order Granting Requests for Rehearing

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today issued orders granting rehearings for the Report and Orders designating the Mid-Atlantic Area National Transmission Corridor (Docket No. 2007-OE-01) and the Southwest Area National Transmission Corridor (Docket No. 2007-OE-02). The orders are available on the "Applications for Rehearing" page on this Web site.

October 2, 2007

Federal Register Notice, National Electric Transmission Congestion Report

PDF Federal Register Notice, National Electric Transmission Congestion Report (1.4 MB)
October 2, 2007

Procedures for Applications for Rehearing

Information on being a party to this proceeding and applying for a rehearing is now available on the "Parties to This Proceeding and Applications for Rehearing" page.

October 2, 2007

National Corridor Designation Maps

PDF Mid-Atlantic Area National Corridor Map (1.68 MB)

PDF Southwest Area National Corridor Map (1.53 MB)

June 7, 2007

Notice of Four More Public Comment Meetings on Draft National Corridor Designations Published in Federal Register

PDF Federal Register Notice: Notice of errata and meetings. (45 KB)

June 1, 2007

DOE Announces Locations of Four More Public Comment Meetings on Draft National Corridor Designations

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced the dates and locations for an additional four public meetings on the proposed National Interest Electric Transmission Corridor (National Corridors). They will be held in Rochester, New York, on June 12, 2007; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on June 13; Las Vegas on June 20; and Phoenix, Arizona on June 21, 2007.

Meetings will take place from 1PM to 7PM and the address for each public meeting is posted at http://nietc.anl.gov/. Registration will begin at 12:00PM and DOE will give an overview presentation from 1:00PM-1:30PM. DOE has previously hosted three public meetings at the following locations: Arlington, Virginia; San Diego, California; and New York, New York.

The 60-day public comment period on the National Corridors will close on July 6, 2007. Comments may also be submitted through the NIETC website at http://nietc.anl.gov/involve/index.cfm or mailed to: The Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, OE-20, U.S. Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20585.

PDF Press Release: DOE Announces Locations of Four More Public Comment Meetings on Draft National Corridor Designations (74 KB)

May 8, 2007

DOE Announces Additional Public Comment Meetings for Draft National Corridor Designations

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced that it will hold four additional public meetings for the two draft National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors (National Corridors) during the 60-day public comment period, which will close on July 6, 2007. The four additional meetings will be held in June in: Phoenix, Arizona; Las Vegas, Nevada; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; and Rochester, New York. Dates and locations will be published in the Federal Register in the coming days.

PDF Press Release: DOE Announces Additional Public Comment Meetings for Draft National Corridor Designations (55 KB)
April 26, 2007

DOE Issues Two Draft National Interest Electric Transmission Corridor Designations

U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Secretary Samuel W. Bodman today announced the issuance of two draft National Interest Electric Transmission Corridor (National Corridor) designations. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 authorizes the Secretary, based on the findings of DOE's National Electric Transmission Congestion Study (Congestion Study), to designate National Corridors.

PDF Press Release: DOE Issues Two Draft National Interest Electric Transmission Corridor Designations (56 KB)
November 9, 2006

Department of Energy Announces Plans for Additional Comment Period

Because the Department of Energy recognizes the broad public interest in the National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors and Congestion Study process and in the implementation of section 1221, the Department has decided that, prior to issuing a report that designates any National Corridor, the Department will first issue any designation that it is considering in draft form, so as to allow additional opportunities for review and comment by affected States, regional entities, and the general public.

PDF Press Release: Department of Energy Announces Plans for Additional Comment Period on National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors (36 KB)
August 8, 2006

DOE Releases National Electric Transmission Congestion Study

U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Secretary Samuel W. Bodman today marked the one-year anniversary of President Bush's signing of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct), highlighting its progress in delivering clean energy alternatives and spurring investment in renewable and nuclear energy. DOE also released the National Electric Transmission Congestion Study authorized under the Energy Policy Act, which provides analysis of generation and transmission capacity across the U.S. and identifies critical areas that need attention to meet growing demand.

PDF Press Release: DOE Marks First Anniversary of EPAct & Releases National Electric Transmission Congestion Study (42 KB)

Please explore this Web site for further information. You may also sign up for automated updates via email at this website. In addition, you may contact David Meyer in DOE's Office of Electric Delivery and Energy Reliability at 202-586-1411. For legal information, please contact Mary Morton, DOE's Office of General Counsel, at (202) 586-1221. All press inquiries should be directed to DOE's Office of Public Affairs, at (202) 586-4940.

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