Monday, February 18, 2013
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Gender Advisor Upcoming Events

5 December 2012, Educational Event at Allied Command Transformation "Reports from the Conflict Zone: ISAF & KFOR Gender Advisors", Norfolk, USA

This year's Chief of Staff-sponsored Educational Event will welcome two former Gender Advisors and one Gender Focal Point from the operational theatre. Some of the questions that the speakers will seek to answer include: What does it really mean to 'integrate gender perspective' in operations? What benefit does gender perspective bring to an operation? What does a Gender Advisor do in operations? How can ACT support the work of Gender Advisors?

12-14 December 2012, Second Workshop on Teach Gender to the Military – Designing Sample Gender Lessons, George C Marshall European Centre for Security Studies, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany

The aim of the workshop is for participants to develop a set of three sample lesson plans on gender for adaptation and use within military education or training. Each sample lesson plan will contain learning outcomes, an outline of content, suggested teaching methods and assessment methods. The lessons will be designed for use with specified audiences (i.e., non-commissioned officers, officers, senior officers) and in specified educational contexts (multinational, national, pre-deployment).

5-15 March 2013, Gender Field Advisor Course, Swedish Armed Forces International Centre, Kungsängen, Sweden

Course Purpose

The two week Gender Field Advisor (GFA) course prepares the participant for the work as a GFA or Gender Advisor (GENAD). By presenting the background of the UNSCR 1325 and following resolutions, human rights, international humanitarian law and relevant international organisations as well as NGO s, a framework is created, where lessons learned, experiences and research completes the bigger picture for the future GFA or GENAD. The course provides an overview of the operational and tactical levels for all kinds of military and/or SSR operations, as well as staff exercises. The Gender Field Advisor is the commander's or the head of mission's strongest resource in the implementation of gender perspectives into the planning, execution and evaluation of an operation.

Course fee: SEK 12.000

28 August-6 September 2013, Gender Field Advisor Course, Swedish Armed Forces International Centre, Kungsängen, Sweden

Course Purpose

The two week Gender Field Advisor (GFA) course prepares the participant for the work as a GFA or Gender Advisor (GENAD). By presenting the background of the UNSCR 1325 and following resolutions, human rights, international humanitarian law and relevant international organisations as well as NGOs, a framework is created, where lessons learned, experiences and research completes the bigger picture for the future GFA or GENAD. The course provides an overview of the operational and tactical levels for all kinds of military and/or SSR operations, as well as staff exercises. The Gender Field Advisor is the commander's or the head of mission's strongest resource in the implementation of gender perspectives into the planning, execution and evaluation of an operation.

Course fee: SEK 12.000