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Plans, Policies & Operations (PP&O)

Headquarters Marine Corps

International Affairs Program Articles
Strategies for Developing and Practicing Cross Cultural Expertise in the Militarywritten by Dr. Rasmussen, Ph.D., and Dr. Sieck, Ph.D.
The Marine Attache - Marine Corps Gazettewritten by LtCol McDonald, USMC FAO and former Attache to Australia and Taiwan-Taipei
Soccer Field of Dreams - Understanding the operating environment through the Marine Corps FAQwritten by Maj Beaudreau, a Latin America FAO
Staff NCOs to Serve as Foriegn Experts (Marine Corps Times article regarding the upcoming FAS/RAS program for enlisted Marines) written by Gina Cavallaro
The Marine Attaché: Critical Enabler for America’s Expeditionary Force in Readinesswritten by LtCol Lyons, Middle East North Africa FAO and current Attaché for Oman
The Regional Knowledge Certification (RKC) Programwritten by Mr. Nader, an Experience Track LATAM FAO and founder of X Corp
Why the Death of Osama bin Laden has made the United States Saferarticle by Capt Quinn, a South Asia FAO currently studying at DLI
The Marine Corps Proponent - "We have fought in every clime and place, where we could take a gun"co-written by FAO Program Coordinators LtCol Bolden and Maj Brown (An International Affairs FAO Journal article regarding the dual track structure of the Marine Corps' FAO program, pg 21)
The Marine FAO Program - PLU responds: championing the utility of the programwritten by FAO Program Coordinator LtCol Bolden
SNCOs prepare cultural skills for dutyarticle regarding the upcoming FAS/RAS program written by Sgt Hurla, a MIRAMAR Public Affairs NCO
Cultural Relativism and theConvergence of Ethnaography and 3Cwritten by Dr. Sands, Ph.D.
Election Observations from Egyptwritten by Capt Macak, a Study Track Middle East and North Africa FAO conducting In Country Training in Egypt
At War A New York Times article regarding the value of interpreters and language skills to military missions. By Natale Kelly.
Challenging the FAO Program - What is the utility of the program?written by LtCol Freeman, a Turkish FAO
Enhancing Interagency Collaboration, Security Cooperpation, Security Assistance, and Building Partner Capacityco-written by Maj Joe Lee, Sub-Saharan Africa (ST) FAO
Phase Zero: How China Exploits It, Why the United States Does Notwritten by LtCol McDonald, USMC FAO, LtCol Jones, USA, and Maj Frazee, USAF
Red Teams: Strengthening Through Challengewritten by LtCol Mulvaney, Director of the Commandant's Red Team
Irregular Warfare and the Marine Corpswritten by Col Dobson (Ret), former Director of MAGTF Staff Training Program
Life after the IAOP - article by LtCol Carrola Middle East/North Africa FAO currently working as a cultural advisor in Afghanistan