United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Grand Junction VA Medical Center

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Valentines for Veterans Concert
The Grass Roots
The Grass Roots will be featured in Grand Junction VAMC's first ever "Valentines for Veterans" concert.

Grand Junction VAMC will host its first ever “Valentines for Veterans” concert featuring The Grass Roots on Thursday, February 14th at the historic Avalon Theatre.

The concert is one of 14 being held at VA Medical Centers nationwide as part of the annual week long “National Salute to Veteran Patients” celebration, which this year runs February 10-16. The purpose of the National Salute is to pay tribute and express appreciation to Veterans, increase community awareness of the role of the VA Medical Center and encourage citizens to visit hospitalized Veterans and to become involved as volunteers.

“The concert is a first for Grand Junction and we are very excited!” states Robin Maddox of Voluntary Services and coordinator for the event. “Many local organizations have contributed to its sponsoring and the evening promises to be unforgettable.”

The concert honors all Veterans and in particular Gold Star Family Members (those who have lost a family member in service).  Veterans, families of Veterans and the general public are all welcome. No admission will be charged to attend this concert “because the price has already been paid” by the sacrifices of America’s Veterans.

Tickets are available at the Grand Junction VA beginning January 23rd.

Call Robin Maddox for further information at 244-1336.