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DOL Homepage
Plans & Operations
Supply & Services

Transportation Sections

Transportation Motor Pool
Personal Property and Household Goods

AKO Resources

Base Map  


Household Goods Inventory Worksheet (SSPP_512-1-36)
Transportation Worksheet
Motor Vehicle Accident Report (Form SF91)
Nomination of Government Vehicle Driver (FG Form 8001)
Request for Transportation (Form 8060)
Army-Funded Transportation
Requisition/Invoice/Shipping Document (DD 1149) Part 1
Requisitions/Invoice/Shipping Document (DD 1149) Part 2
TCAIMS-II Access Request Form

Other Links

Contact Us

Directorate of Logistics
15th Street, Building 14550
Fort Gordon, GA 30905
Telephone: 706-791-2675
DSN: 780-2675

Hours: 0730-1600 (M-F)

Fort Gordon Directorate of Logistics

Our Vision - "To be the best DOL in IMCOM providing logistical support that enables readiness to the Fort Gordon’s area of responsibility (AOR)"

Our Mission - "
The Installation Logistics integrator providing supply and services, maintenance and transportation support that serves as a force multiplier to the Fort Gordon area of responsibility"

Our Core Goal - "Serve as the region model for logistical support and innovation"

Transportation Division

The Installation Transportation Office will provide transportation services and all related functions for all authorized personnel and activities within the Fort Gordon area of responsibility. The Installation Transportation Office will ensure that transportation meets force readiness and mobilization requirements as a power-projection platform.

Transportation Division consists of Transportation Motor Pool; Inbound/Outbound Personal Property; Passenger Travel; Carlson Wagonlit Travel; Unit Movements; and Inbound/Outbound Freight. All working toward a common goal; The best possible service to the Fort Gordon military community.

All transportation services described on this website are provided under contract by AKIMA Facilities Management, LLC. If you encounter any difficulty receiving service or encounter any problems which the contractor has not resolved to your satisfaction, you may contact one of the following government contracting officer representatives:

Chief 791-4885 877-2885 33720
Transportation Traffic Manager 791-7543   33720
Transportation Officer (TMP) 791-3172   33720

Transportation Motor Pool (ITMP) Section

The Installation Transportation Motor Pool Section (ITMP) - Provides vehicle dispatch for most of GSA vehicles assigned to Fort Gordon. Provides bus and driver support to transport signal students to and from class. Arranges for and coordinates delivery and pickup of vehicles at local maintenance vendors. Coordinates all scheduled services for assigned GSA vehicles, and provides necessary usage and maintenance data to the government. Provides vehicles for special occasions, and necessary government functions such as Survivor Assistance, Server Weather Operations, and Deployments. Provides Driver Testing and Licensing for Fort Gordon. This service is normally provided on appointment with pickup of license on a different day. Testing consist of Pre-Operations Maintenance Test and a Driver Test, both must be passed to be licensed. Applicants must be nominated by their unit to get a Government License, or get a renewal. All applicants must possess a valid current state drivers license before this section can issue a government license. For more detailed information, please refer to SOP .  TMP forms: Motor Vehicle Accident Report (Form SF91); Nomination of Government Vehicle Driver (FG Form 8001); Request for Transportation (Form 8060)

 Hours of Operation (Monday – Friday except Holidays)




Dispatch Office

0600 – 1800 hours 


Driver Testing   

0730 – 1600 hours


Vehicle Maintenance

0730 - 1600 hours





Routine Dispatch Requests

Routine dispatch requests and requests for travel beyond the authorized 175 mile limit should be submitted to the unit/activity Vehicle Control Officer/ Transportation Coordinator (VCO/TC). The unit/activity VCO/TC will submit all requests to the Installation Transportation Motor Pool on the electronic FG Form 8060 (Request for Transportation).  A confirmation email will be sent to the VCO/TC providing approval/disapproval and /or further instructions.  VCO/TC appointments should be completed on the electronic Form 4300-0024-2041, Master Driver Appointment.

Personal Property - Household Goods (HHG) Section 

The Personal Property Branch consists of Inbound and outbound personal property, shipment entitlements counseling, shipment receiving counseling and delivery, Non-temporary storage (NTS), storage-in-transit (SIT), and unaccompanied baggage (Hold baggage).  Outbound Counseling is normally "By Appointment Only";  Complete both the electronic forms Transportation Worksheet and the Household Goods Inventory) and submit with a copy of orders. The HHG personnel will reject or accept the forms via email requesting corrections or accept as complete and provide the next available appointment  within 24 hours.   Walk-ins are accepted but the waiting time may be extensive. The Personal Property Section is located in Darling Hall, Building 33720, Room 111A.    Personal Property - Household Goods form: Household Goods Inventory Worksheet (SSPP_512-1-36); Transportation Worksheet

Hours of operation are 0730-1600 

Office Remarks Phone
Inbound A thru K  (Beginning letter of last name) 791-2329
Inbound L thru Z  (Beginning letter of last name) 791-1929
Receptionist   791-4184
Outbound Counselor   791-4743/2558
Non-Temporary Storage Call Receptionist for Appointment 791-4184
Outbound Shipment Status   791-2134
Unaccompanied baggage CONUS/OCONUS 791-4172
Quality Assurance   791-7337


When you arrive in the Augusta area, it is imperative that you contact  the Inbound Personal Property Section to have your current information entered into  the system. If you provide contact numbers, we will call you anywhere in CONUS to advise you that your shipment has arrived. If you have a residence at destination and want a direct delivery, this office must be able to contact you and make delivery arrangements with the carrier no later than 2 hours from the time the carrier offers the shipment for delivery. We cannot send a driver to your residence without confirmation that someone is home. If we cannot reach you within the 2 hour time limit, your household goods may be put into temporary storage, requiring extra and unnecessary handling of your personal property.

If you cannot take direct delivery, you can schedule your delivery for a later date or place the shipment in temporary storage for 90 days. From June through September, deliveries from storage can take from five to fifteen days after notice to the carrier. During this period agent crews and equipment availability are stretched to the maximum.

Designating an Agent

If you will not be available for the delivery of your property, you can designate an agent to act on your behalf. This individual can be your spouse, family member (over 18), a friend, co-worker, etc...If you have an emergency on the delivery day, you can designate an agent by leaving written authorization, naming the agent. The agent gives this authorization to the carrier. You may designate agents by using a Power of Attorney or Informal Letter of Authority. Also, if you leave your residence and leave the movers alone, they will stop working and you may be charged waiting time.


To schedule the delivery of your personal property we will need your delivery address and a date (weekday, non-holiday) and a copy of your orders. Deliveries are accomplished Monday through Friday, between the hours of 0800 to 1700, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and US holidays. Specific delivery times cannot be scheduled. Property owners or their designated agent must be at the residence during those hours on the day of the delivery. If not member will be charged attempted pick-up charges.  Members should not schedule a delivery on the closing date of residence.

During delivery, keep your copy of the inventory close at hand and check off each item, as it is unloaded. Compare the conditions of each article with the original inventory entry. Make a note of the inventory for each missing or damaged article and brief description of the damage. Make sure the carrier records the missing/damaged items on all copies of the inventory and DD Form 1840. If any additional damages or missing items are discovered after the carrier/agent has departed, you must record those items on the reverse side of the DD Form 1840.

Any changes or cancellation must be reported to the Inbound Personal Property 24 hours prior to delivery date. REMEMBER, once an order has been given to make a delivery and the furniture has been loaded aboard a vehicle, delivery must be accomplished or the property owner will assume charges incurred.

Unloading and Unpacking

The customer or the customer's designated agent must be at the residence when the carrier arrives. Unloading at destination includes the one-time placement of furniture and like items in the room of the dwelling or a room designated by the customer. All articles disassembled by the Transportation Service Provider or originating from non-temporary storage will be reassembled. On a one-time basis, all barrels, boxes, cartons, and/or crates will be unpacked and the contents will be placed in a room designated by the customer. The unpacking service and removal of debris will be performed to the customer's satisfaction at the time the goods are delivered to the residence unless specifically waived in writing by the customer or customer's agent. The Transportation Service Provider, agent, or contractor shall have all tools for reassembling on hand. If unpacking is waived, Transportation Service Provider is not required to pickup empty boxes at a later date.


Household goods are defined as items associated with the home and all personal effects belonging to a member and dependents on the effective date of the member's PCS or TDY orders that legally may be accepted and transported by an authorized commercial transporter.

Entitlement to Ship Household Goods

You are authorized shipment of household goods in one lot. The authorized destinations of your personal property are:

Helpful Websites for Household Goods Moves

URL: click on the link "Personal Property/POV"

Note:  The above website and link can be used to access the following pamphlets and guides:

Weight Allowance

Your weight allowance is established under provisions of the Joint Federal Travel Regulations and is the maximum weight you can move at government expense. This allowance includes the weight of household goods you ship, place in storage or send as unaccompanied baggage and goods you already have in storage. Your allowance is based on two factors; your pay-grade and whether you have dependents.

YOU - not the Transportation Officer or the carrier - are responsible for staying within your weight allowance. If the weight of items packed, shipped or stored exceeds your weight allowance, you must pay all charges connected with the excess weight.

Packing and Pick-Up Dates

The size of your household goods shipment determines how much time is needed for packing and pick-up. The following rules of thumb will give you an idea how much time should be allotted for packing your household:

Weight Estimate     Packing  Pick-up
Less than 4,000 lbs   1 Day       Same Day
4,000 lbs to 8,000 lbs  2 Days 1 Day
8,000 lbs to 12,000 lbs 3 Days 1 Day
More than 12,000 lbs 4 Days  1 Day 

Carriers generally will not pack or pickup on holidays or weekends. During the peak moving season from June through September, available dates fill quickly, so contact the transportation office early if you are planning to move during these months.

Professional Books, Papers and Equipment

When completing your application to move, you must give the counselor an estimated weight of your professional books, papers and equipment (PBP&E) to enter on your application for shipment or storage. This constitutes an official declaration of intent to ship PBP&E. You must also separate professional items from the rest of your property so they may be packed, marked and weighed separately. When properly listed on the inventory, they are not counted as part of your weight allowance. Before signing the inventory prepared by the movers be sure these items are listed as "PBPB&E" and not as "books" or "miscellaneous". The proper designation of these items and the exclusion of the weight can be very important. Professional books, papers, and equipment do not include office, household or shop fixtures, furniture (such as bookcases, desks and file cabinets) or sports equipment.

Important Documents

There are three critical documents you must be sure to get copies of before the carrier departs and should hand carry with you to your destination:

Passenger Travel/Port Calls Section (Official Travel)

Provides student travel, Permanent Party travel, TDY travel, Group Moves, Bus travel, Out Processing Briefing, Without Funds travel, and Port Calls. 

Carlson Wagonlit Travel

Carlson Wagonlit Travel provides the Official Commercial Travel Office for the government community and Fort Gordon.  All travelers must arrange their travel through or in coordination with this activity.  CWT arranges for and issues airline tickets and itineraries based on travel authorizations in official travel orders.  CWT works with the Port Call section to arrange air travel to the Port Call. 

Carlson Wagonlit Travel has an Emergency Center to provide our travelers with emergency reservation and ticketing service while in route, when your local CWT office is closed.  The Fort Gordon CWT office is closed weekends and holidays including Federal holidays.

To save you time your travel request can be faxed to 706-798-0040 and CWT will respond within two hours.

Unit Movement Coordinator

The Unit Movement Coordinator provides unit movement planning, movement data reporting and data input training, convoy clearances, deployment planning and execution, air planning and coordination with aircraft providers,  FORSCOM, Reserve  units,  local air hubs, and  Arrival/Departure Air Control Groups.  Unit Movement form: TCAIMS-II Access Request Form

Freight Section (Cargo Shipping & Receiving)

The Freight Section is responsible for providing efficient, responsive, and quality transportation services within the assigned AOR and ensures compliance with governing laws, directives, and regulations for cargo, and unit moves.  The Freight Office provides transportation of small package (Federal Express, UPS), cargo and equipment (LTL, Line Haul, etc).

All shipping requests must be filled out and submitted on the electronic DD Form 1149. Freight personnel will review and reject or accept. A reject email will be provided with corrective instructions. When a correct DD Form 1149 is received an acceptance email notification will be provide. When the activity/unit received the acceptance notification they may deliver the equipment/package to the Freight Office for shipping. All outbound freight shipments should be presented to the Freight Section on a request for transportation form which clearly identifies the items, the equipment nomenclature, dimensions and weight.  This document should contain a POC at origin and destination

The Freight Office also receives cargo shipments inbound to Fort Gordon and coordinates off loading areas for truck-load shipments.  Shipping and Receiving forms:  Army-Funded Transportation; Requisition/Invoice/Shipping Document (DD 1149) Part 1;  Requisitions/Invoice/Shipping Document (DD 1149) Part 2;

Customer Responsibilities

1.  It is the responsibility of all authorized customers utilizing these services to adhere to the prescribed policies, procedures and regulations governing the movement of official DOD sponsored cargo and equipment. Customers must provide their shipping request to the Freight Section within a reasonable time to accomplish timely movement. Documentation for Units Moves must be provided to Freight at least ten (10) days prior to the requested movement date. It is advantageous to the customer to provide the most time possible and the very best information to ensure a smooth and efficient move.

2.  During deployments, training exercise and redeployment, loading/unloading of unit equipment is the responsibility of Unit Personnel. Freight personnel will be on hand to advise and assist as needed. Freight personnel will also sign and collect CBLs from Commercial Carriers.

3. All Army shipping requests (DD Form 1149) must contain a good Transportation Account Code (TAC) and be accompanied with the electronic “Funds Verification Form” signed by the appropriate Budget Analysis. Shipments with an incorrect TAC cannot be processed and will be returned to the customer for corrections. Army shipment can not move without a Funds Verification Form. Navy and Marine shipment require TAC with Budget Analysis signature on DD Form 1149. Navy/Marine/Air Force do not require a Funds Verification Form. 

Small Package Shipment - Federal Express

The Freight Section is the central shipping location for the Installation.

Deployment and Training Exercises

1. The UDL marked with equipment to be shipped will be used instead of filling out block b on the DD 1149. A close coordination between the Unit, Transportation UMC and Freight is imperative for equipment and cargo movement during deployment.  

1. All Containers must have a copy of the inventory attached to each container as required by SDDC and a copy provided to Freight when requesting shipping.

2. Units shall provide Hazmat documents (DD Form 2890) for moves to the port or DD form 836 for CONUS moves. These  Hazmat documents should be signed by HAZMAT-Certified personnel. Certification should be in the Technical Transportation of Hazardous Material as required by DOD Regulation 4500.9-R, chapter 204 and the Code of Federal Regulations, Transportation CFR-49.

3. Units shall properly placard containers and any other hazardous material and equipment in accordance with DOD Regulation 4500.9-R and CFR-49.

4. Units shall arrange weighing of all containers and equipment. Weights must be on the shipping request before Freight personnel can enter data into the Global Freight Management (GFM) System.

5. Units will be informed of additional charges that occur due to commercial trucks being delayed during loading and unloading. Detention charges beginning two hours after the commercial carrier arrives for loading/unloading. The unit budget analysis will be contacted to provide the TAC for detention charges.

Equipment Loading

1. When planning out-loading, the first step is to determine the equipment to be shipped. Formulate a list of equipment to include length, weight, height, cube and weight. The TB 55-46-1, standard Characteristics (Dimensions, weights and Cube) for Transportability of Military Vehicles and other outsize/overweight equipment should be checked. Equipment should be listed in reduced dimensions. However, for ISU-90, shelters or any other secondary loads the total height must be listed.

2. Dimensions for motor carriers can be up to 8 feet wide and 138 inches high, ground up, before having to obtain special state highway permits. Mirrors should be folded in and antennas lowered. Anything that protrudes and can easily be damaged should be removed. Canvas must be taped or tied down securely. Windshields are usually covered with thick cardboard and taped securely. Cardboard may prevent damage from a thrown rock or other flying objects.

3. Prime movers should be matched with trailers or towed items. The towed items should be detached and the tongues moved up under the prime mover for more space.

4. Fuel tanks on vehicles being shipped should be no more than three-fourths full or IAW Port Call requirements. All fuel cans must be empty as well as tank and pump units, (residual fuel require a hazmat certification).

5. All out-loading of rolling stock will be staged and loaded at the old railhead.

Cost Estimates

Freight will complete a cost estimate within 48 hours of receiving the request. The cost will be annotated on the shipping request form and returned to the customer. Once the unit has the appropriate TAC with the Budget Analysis signature it will be returned to Freight for shipment processing.


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