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Upcoming OGIS Forum: Immigration Records

The search for immigration records can be confusing without the right tools. (ARC Identifier 6011170)

Immigration records offer a wealth of valuable information for immigrants, genealogists, journalists, academic researchers and others. However, several agencies maintain immigration records, so finding them can challenge even the savviest FOIA requester.

Join agency representatives and requesters for an OGIS Forum on immigration records on Wednesday, May 23, from 10:00 a.m. to noon. This event, which will take place at the National Archives building at 7th Street and Constitution Avenue NW, will focus on these questions:

  • Where should I go to find different kinds of immigration records?
  • Which agency maintains which records?
  • How do agencies locate immigration records?
  • Is there a way to streamline access to immigration records?

To RSVP for this event, please email You may also join the OGIS Forum by phone; please RSVP and we will send the teleconference information.


Comment from Terence W Daniely
Time May 16, 2012 at 6:48 pm

I am looking forward to the OGIS Forum.
My faternal grandparents immigrated to the United States in 1924 from the Bristh West Indies, Nevis St Kitts. I was able to locate a naturalization petiton from the 1930′s census leads. This will enable me to find more detailed information about my ancestors.

Comment from evelyn j herrera
Time May 17, 2012 at 7:10 pm

Will the results of the Forum be destributed via the internet? It would be very handy to have all other information on the agenda in one place and accessable. Also, are there efforts to make access to records more internet accessable all together? Thanks

Comment from Doug Keegan
Time May 17, 2012 at 7:16 pm

For those of us on the West Coast, please consider a time a little later in the day, if not for this forum, for a future one. 10 a.m. EST is 7 a.m. PST.

Comment from Lydia Johnson
Time May 21, 2012 at 10:26 am

Question for forum: If a foreign national reveals to me that he was caught trying to enter the US illegally, fingerprinted, photographed and returned to his country, should my FOIA request be to USCIS, USCBP or where? If it is USCBP, which office?

Comment from Carrie McGuire
Time May 22, 2012 at 2:29 pm

Lydia, thank you for your question! If time allows, we will pass it along at the forum tomorrow. We hope that all of you will keep an eye on this blog — we’ll post a summary of the forum on the FOIA Ombudsman in the next few days.