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Thomas Eakins' painting of rower on the water
Posted: July 5, 2011

The Art of Recreation

As the turn of the twentieth century approached, increasing numbers of Americans found themselves with “free” time for recreation. Discover what they did with it on EDSITEment, the award-winning NEH website.

map of Camino Real
Posted: June 30, 2011

The Road to Santa Fe

For three hundred years, El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro (The Royal Highway to the Interior) was the only road into the area that is now New Mexico, and it was used by thousands of settlers from as far away as Mexico City. Take the online tour of this ancient road at EDSITEment, the award-winning NEH website.

photo of part of the Great Wall
Posted: June 29, 2011

The Great Wall of China --- Now Online

The Great Wall of China represented one solution to the problem of possible invasion by neighboring nomadic, tribal peoples. But was it really successful? Find out at EDSITEment, the award-winning NEH website.

a British cartoon of Thomas Paine
Posted: June 29, 2011

Religion and Revolution

While contemporary historians still debate the role of religion in the intellectual ideals of the American Revolution, many eighteenth-century Americans saw little tension between the philosophical arguments for revolution and their religious beliefs. Learn more about religion and the argument for American Independence on EDSITEment, the award-winning NEH website.

Posted: June 28, 2011

What's on the Menu?

The New York Public Library is using ‘crowdsourcing’ to create a searchable digital database of tens of thousands of restaurant menu offerings from the early 20th Century.

photograph of Charles Darwin's study
Posted: June 22, 2011

Charles Darwin’s Personal Library Goes Public

A joint U.S.-U.K. project is digitizing every page of all the great naturalist’s books, allowing readers to search through Darwin’s annotations and re-trace the development of the theory of evolution.

NEH Chairman Jim Leach and Morton Schapiro, President of Northwestern University
Posted: June 20, 2011

Leach Completes Civility Tour

Nineteen months after he began, NEH Chairman Jim Leach has completed his Civility Tour, visiting every state in the nation to raise public awareness of how “polarizing attitudes can jeapardize social cohesion and even public safety."

Newspaper vendor and cart in camp in Virginia, 1863
Posted: June 20, 2011

Glorious Victory?

Read how newspapers of the day covered the Battle of Bull Run.

logo of the Victor Talking Machine Company
Posted: June 16, 2011

Keeping Complete Records About Records

The Encyclopedic Discography of Victor Recordings -- an NEH-supported preservation resource -- contains a wealth of detailed information about the first decades of the U.S. record industry.

stylized image of bridge
Posted: June 16, 2011

Bridging Cultures, an NEH Special Initiative

The Endowment's special initiative, Bridging Cultures, encourages study and informed conversation about commonalities across cultures and subcultures, both within in United States and abroad.