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Celebrating Oceans Month

2011 June 17

By Kasia Broussalian

A great majority of us usually pass the day without so much as a single thought of our oceans. There are exceptions, of course. There are those that indeed live by its movements—the fishermen, storm chasers and scientists that all breathe in unison with the waves. However, each of us, no matter how far removed, creates a tenuous link to the seas. Water travels from our oceans to our atmosphere, from the atmosphere to the land and rivers, and from the rivers back out to the ocean. Our upkeep and care of these bodies of water remains key to our daily lives now, and most certainly in the future.

Since the Canadian government’s proposal at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, June 8 has come to pass as World Oceans Day, and President Obama has proclaimed June 2011 as National Oceans Month. To enhance public awareness and participation in legislation concerning our oceans, as well as the protection of coastal communities in the face of climate change, the National Oceans Council will host 12 public listening sessions across the country in hopes of implementing an ocean policy aimed at addressing critical issues facing our oceans. Additionally, the National Oceans Council seeks public feedback and comments during this month for strategic action plans and ways to measure progress in tackling critical issues facing oceans, coastal cities and the Great Lakes. To provide comments and gain further information, please visit this site.

In the photo above, a boy dives from the pier into the waters below at Coney Island in Brooklyn, New York.  Please share any of your experiences with the oceans; whether they be a favorite beach, a particular issue, or even a fond memory that heightened your appreciation.

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

6 Responses leave one →
  1. Alexis Mason permalink
    June 20, 2011

    This photo really captures the essence of Coney Island; taking care of our ocean is something that we must start before it’s too late

  2. Tyler permalink
    June 20, 2011

    Great article and timely as the heat of summer starts kicking-in! I find myself day dreaming of river floating and night swims.

    I have lived in NYC for close to a year now and this is by far the closest I have ever lived to the ocean. Yet, in no other place have I felt more disconnected to from the water.

    Luckily, I was finally able to enjoy the water ways of NYC thanks to East River Ferry which was offering free ferry rides last weekend. Just being out on the water of the East River made a huge impact on my perception of the city and our connection (or lack thereof) with the water. Would recommend a ferry ride to anyone looking for a cheap and easy escape to the water, as long as you don’t mind some boat fums every once and a while.

  3. Chris permalink
    June 20, 2011

    As you say, the oceans and all large bodies of water are vital to the planet… Having grown up in So CA I spent many days at the beach using the water for its recreational value but never really giving much thought to the important role these bodies of water play in our daily lives. Only in recent years have I come to appreciated the ocean for what it really is – the climate and food control system for the world. I thought your article was very well done and should serve as an introduction to public awareness on just how important the oceans of the world really are. I believe we can all play a part, even if it be a small one, in helping to manage this vast and vital resource. By passing the word along in such forums as blogs and emails we can help make this an important issue for discussion among the leaders throughout the world. Let them know how important preservation and conservation of the world’s water supplies are to each of us. Keep the message alive and spreading…

  4. Alanna permalink
    June 20, 2011

    As world catastrophes continue to remind us about the plagues of global warming, nothing is more significant than the effects that warming will bring upon our oceans. While glacial melting and weather patterns will change our oceans’ jet streams and threaten human coastal communities, we must also think of the effects on our oceans’ ecosystems.

    This article reminds us to remember the part of the planet we most often take for granted. Thank you.

  5. Andrew permalink
    June 20, 2011

    I am loving the new NYC EPA blog! Very cool that you are finding new ways to connect with community members. The template is so clean and the photography is fantastic. Keep up the good work.

  6. Jon permalink
    June 21, 2011

    Great article and great picture. Everytime I read or hear about the ocean I am reminded of how vast and powerful the ocean really is. Looking forward to more from Greening the Apple.

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