
  • USAID and Chevron Nebitgaz—through the international organization Junior Achievement Worldwide—help Turkmenistan’s young people succeed by providing them knowledge in economics, entrepreneurship, and tourism. Credit: Junior Achievement

  • A mother measures the height of her child as part of the Healthy Families campaign. The project has touched the lives of 28,000 mothers and their young children through trainings and outreach to new moms. Credit: USAID Quality Health Care Project

  • Participants at a USAID-supported counter-trafficking seminar learn how to raise awareness about child trafficking and provide support on how to avoid trafficking problems. Credit: International Organization for Migration

Participants of a seminar on community health at the Beyik Turkmenbashy resource center.
Reaching Turkmenistan’s Rural Youth
Ilyas with members of Sahy Jepbar cooperative
Improving Services for Farmers
Kristina Kolesnikova at her workplace.
Business Knowledge Brings Success


Strategically located in a challenging and important part of the world, Turkmenistan plays a key role in promoting integration between South and Central Asia. The country shares borders with Afghanistan and Iran, and its large hydrocarbon reserves make it a potentially pivotal supplier for regional and world markets. Turkmenistan is emerging from decades of authoritarianism and is re-engaging with the region and the world.

Turkmenistan has demonstrated a commitment to economic and governance reforms, and has expressed interest in adopting international standards. Nevertheless, years of centralized control has taken its toll: the country’s civic enfranchisement and engagement are nascent, and non-governmental organizations still face difficult registration rules and firm control that stifles civil society.

USAID works with the people and government of Turkmenistan to enhance democracy and economic growth, and to promote greater integration between South and Central Asia. USAID sees an important opportunity to encourage Turkmenistan in its efforts to foster a more open and integrated society, contributing to stability in a region where democratic governance largely remains a work-in-progress.

Contact Information

Mission Contact

Erin McKee, Regional Mission Director
Business Center, A Block
1 Yunus Emre St, “Mir 2/1”

Headquarters Contact

Eric Rudenshiold, Desk Officer
U.S. Agency for International Development
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
(202) 712-0141

Last updated: February 22, 2013

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