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Marine Corps Installations Pacific

Marine Corps Installations Command

Okinawa, Japan
Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS Mission

The NCIS mission is to investigate and defeat criminal, terrorist and foreign intelligence threats to the United States Navy and Marine Corps whenever they operate ashore and afloat. (source: http://www.ncis.navy.mil/Pages/publicdefault.aspx)

How We Can Help
Crime Reduction Awareness Briefings (Commands/Schools/Workplaces)
Threat Mitigation
Criminal Thread Assessments
Country Specific Assessments
Travel Briefings
(source: http://www.ncis.navy.mil/MissionSupport/Pages/default.aspx)

The Ten OPSEC and COMSEC Points:

1. Don’t’ discuss future destinations or ports of call!
2. Don’t discuss future operations or missions!
3. Don't discuss dates and times of when the Ship will be in port or conducting exercises!
4. Don't discuss readiness issues and numbers!
5. Don't discuss specific training equipment and/or capabilities!
6. Don't discuss people's names and billets in conjunction with operations!
7. Don't speculate about future operations!
8. Don't spread rumors about operations!
9. Don't assume the enemy is not trying to collect information on you so he can kill you, he is!
10. Be smart, use your head, and always think OPSEC and COMSEC when using electronic communications or phone!

Rules of thumb for loved ones and parents:

*If your Marine or sailor indicates to you they can't tell you something, believe them. Don't try to coax them into telling.
*If it is published by the navy about where a ship or unit has been (not going), that is when it's okay to share.
*Be aware, the OPSEC 10 points are everyone’s responsibility so think about what you share as a parent or loved one of a military member that could cause harm or trouble.
*If you see/hear others practicing poor OPSEC/COMSEC be respectful and advise them of the OPSEC/COMSEC points mentioned above. Let them know OPSEC is everyone responsibility and that their statements or postings are a violation of good OPSEC. There isn't a parent or family member that wants to cause harm or get a service member in trouble. They just aren't thinking or don't know.
*Remember if something doesn’t seem right it isn’t, report all suspicious activity/postings.
*Everyone holds a piece of the OPSEC puzzle, safe guard it at all times!

Contact Information
Naval Criminal Investigative Service
NCIS Far East Field Office
Okinawa, Japan
Unit 35021
FPO AP 96373-5021

DSN: 315-645-0213
Local: 098-970-0213
International: 011-81-98-970-0213

Information regarding criminal activity may be sent anonymously to

NCIS Public Site

Crime Reduction Program
Current Quarter Article
Gang Awareness

Previous Articles
Fraud Awareness
Work Place Violence

Videos are coming soon!
