USIBI Hosts Israeli Finance Minister Dr. Yuval Steinitz

USIBI Hosts Luncheon Featuring Israeli Finance Minister Dr. Yuval Steinitz

Turkey MOU Signing

U.S. Chamber and TOBB Sign MOU to Expand Commercial Relations Between Turkey and the United...

HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad bin Al Khalifa, Crown Prince of Bahrain meets with D

Chamber COO David Chavern meets with the Crown Prince of Bahrain during the 2012 World Islamic...

USIBI Luncheon with the Governor of Basrah, Iraq

The U.S.-Iraq Business Initiative Hosts the Governor of Basrah, Iraq

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Middle East and
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Middle East and
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Promoting Growth and Development in Turkey, the Middle East, and North Africa

The Chamber's Turkey, Middle East, and North Africa Team is deeply committed to advancing the business goals of its member companies, and we are expanding our capacity to keep abreast of fast-moving developments throughout the region. 

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Upcoming Events

  • February 19: Power Generation Opportunities in Saudi Arabia with Deputy Secretary of Energy Daniel Poneman
  • February 20: U.S.-Bahrain Business Council Briefing with Bahraini Ambassador Houda Nonoo for the Hampton Roads Chamber of Commerce
  • February 21: Johnson to speak at SOCCENT CENTCOM Conference at MacDill Air Force Base in Florida
  • February 22: Roundtable with Algeria's Chief of Staff to the Minister of Health
  • February 27-28: Delegation to Iraq Business Conference in Amman, Jordan
  • February 27-29: Delegation from Israel's Ministry of Energy and Water Resources

Turkey, Middle East, and North Africa Department November Executive Update

Clean Energy Initiative for Turkey, Middle East, and North Africa

Councils & Initiatives