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Release date: 
December 31, 2012
Release Number: 

ESSEX JUNCTION, Vt. – The Federal Emergency Management Agency has provided more than $166 million in financial assistance to Vermont since the state was impacted by Tropical Storm Irene in August 2011.

While Vermont observed the one-year anniversary of Irene in August, in January FEMA will mark its 20th month in Vermont, initially setting up a Joint Field Office in Burlington in June 2011 in response to the spring floods of that year.

“Last January FEMA had provided Vermont with approximately $41 million in financial assistance, so we’ve put roughly $125 million on the street this year,” said Federal Coordinating Officer Mark Landry, the head of FEMA’s mission in Vermont. “We remain committed to staying here until our job is finished.”

“Vermonters have benefitted greatly from the disaster response and resources of our federal government,” noted Irene Recovery Officer, Sue Minter.  “We are extremely grateful to FEMA and to our Congressional Delegation for their tireless efforts on our behalf. We look forward to continuing a productive partnership in the months ahead.”

Tropical Storm Irene by the numbers as of December 2012:

  • 7,252 registrations have been received.
  • 5,163 individuals and families have received assistance.
  • Approximately $23.2 million in grants approved for individuals and families:
  • $21.6 million for home repairs or replacement and rental assistance.
  • $1.6 million for other needs.
  • 237 individuals received the maximum possible grant of $30,200.
  • More than $132 million has been obligated in Public Assistance funding for Tropical Storm Irene to cover the cost of emergency services related to the disaster, and for repairing or replacing damaged public facilities such as roads, buildings and utilities.
  • More than $10 million has been obligated for Hazard Mitigation grants.
  • FEMA has spent more than $53.4 million on its operations in Vermont since September 1, 2011:
  • $17.7 million in wages
  • $13.7 million on travel, hotels and meals
  • $13.8 million on consultants
  • $500,000 on transportation (vehicle rentals)
  • $7.6 million on facility operations


FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.


Last Updated: 
October 28, 2014 - 14:25
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