
TED Talk collections for curious minds
The most popular talks of all time (20 talks)
20 talks
The most popular talks of all time
5h 38m • Curated by TED
Are schools killing creativity? What makes a great leader? How can I find happiness? These 20 talks are the ones that you and your fellow TED fans just can't stop sharing.
Talks that will keep you up at night (8 talks)
8 talks
Talks that will keep you up at night
1h 47m • Curated by TED
Disquieting, thought-provoking tales that will ensnare your mind and keep you up well into the night.
What can robots teach us about being human? (4 talks)
4 talks
What can robots teach us about being human?
49:40 • Curated by TED
Robots reflect their creators: Us. Counterintuitive and insightful, these robots show us glimmers into what it means to be human.
How does my brain work? (14 talks)
14 talks
How does my brain work?
3h 22m • Curated by TED
How exactly does the brain — a 3-pound snarl of nervous tissue — create inspired inventions, the feeling of hunger, the experience of beauty, the sense of self? Researchers at the edge of science explain …
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