USAG Humphreys Schools and Osan High School bus routes 12,13,14,30,31,32 and 33 will be operated by Daewon buses from 19 Feb 2013 until further notice

Master Planning Division

Provide state of the art facilities to fully support the missions of all units and activities and to provide a safe and attractive community for military members, civilians, contractors and family members assigned to or working on USAG Humphreys, in an organized and functional layout.

What is the Master Plan?
All Army Installations have Master Plans. Basically, it is the 'Big Picture' of what we want the installation to look like in the future. This sounds simple but is anything and everything but simple. Numerous pieces of information are required to develop the Master Plan and changes are constantly being made to it. The Master Plan must include information on future installation populations and any special facilities required to support unit/activities missions. Much of it is new construction to replace aging facilities and/or associated infrastructure improvements such as road upgrades, increased water systems, etc. The Installation Master Plan can be broken into three components, which are simply called the Short-Range, Mid-Range and Long-Range Master Plans. Different parts or some construction projects straddle the unclear boundaries between these components. It can by confusing to someone who is not involved with it on a regular basis. Reviewing it for the first time might make your head spin.

The Short-Range Master Plan may be tomorrow through 6 months or up to two years. It covers near-term actions that we have a good handle on, such as occupation of a new facility being completed soon, what facilities will or need to be vacated to allow another unit/activity move, demolition of facilities to make room for new construction that will be awarded soon.

The Mid-Range Master Plan may be cover actions and/or new construction starts beginning in 1-3 years through perhaps 5 or 6 years. It will likely not have much details as far as unit moves, rather covers design reviews and new construction starts and completions and planning projects for future projects.

The Long-Range Master Plan is generally beyond 5 years and it can be very flexible and constantly changing depending decision made at the highest levels of both ROK and U.S. Governments. It may include a pretty color-coded map of projects that may even not yet be programmed for a specific budget year or funding source.

What is the CCHMP?
You may have heard this term. The Comprehensive Camp Humphreys Master Plan (CCHMP) is a massive undertaking that was commissioned by the USFK Commander. There are personnel at all levels from USAG Humphreys to USFK and contract design firms working on it full-time. Like all Master Plans, it is a living document and is updated as necessary to fulfill changing mission requirements. It includes increasing the physical size of the installation by 200% and lays out details of which and where future facilities will be constructed on the 'new land' and the current footprint of the USAG Humphreys we know today.

What do Master Planners do?
In simple terms, Master Planners balance facilities requirements against available adequate facilities. Even without something as big as the transformation on-going at USAG Humphreys, Master Planners are constantly planning and programming new construction projects to replace outdated, sub-standard facilities. Adding something, as big as transformation on top of routine missions, can really make your head spin.

Master Planners use Real Property space utilization surveys, and other tools, such as the Army Stationing Installation Plan (ASIP), Facilities Planning System (FPS) and Real Property Planning and Analysis System (RPLANS) to name a few, to determine how much of what type of space a unit or activity should be allotted. Once determined, this is checked against the Real Property Inventory (RPI) of existing facilities and unit/activity assignment records to determine if adequate space is available on the installation and in which facilities. If a requirement is greater than the adequate space available, the Master Planners will plan, site and program new construction to fulfill that requirement.

Project Management
The Project Manager tracks a project from 'cradle to grave'. He/she is involved from the time a project is identified as a new requirement, planned, sited on the installation, approved for potential funding, designed, constructed, inspected, accepted and then turned over to the using unit or activity. Each month, we hold a Line Item Review (LIR) of projects under design and construction. It is an open meeting and units and activities, with an interest in any on-going projects, are welcome to attend.

Design Reviews
After the Master Planners program a new construction or major renovation project, the design process be begins. Most projects the Master Planning Division handles are large-scale and in the multi-million dollar range. These are far too large for DPW's in-house engineers to design. Our design agency is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Here in Korea, we use the USACE Far East District (FED). They sometimes design projects using their own Government engineers, but very often contract design work to an Architectural-Engineer (A-E) firm. Regardless of who the designers are, they will meet with DPW Master Planners and you, the future user of a new facility, to discuss requirements and to review their in-progress design. On specialized facilities, we rely greatly on end-user units or activities for their valuable input.

Site Plans
Master Planning Division determines where new facilities will be constructed in accordance with the Master Plan and prepares a site plan for review by certain activities and approved by the USAG Humphreys Commander. Approved Site Plans are also required for placement of any temporary structures, trailer or containers, and may be required for some exercises or activities as they may affect other operations.

GIS and Mapping
Master Planning Division has a contract Graphic Information System (GIS) operator. Using earlier versions of basic information maps, numerous 'as-built' construction drawings, aerial photographs and physical surveys, the GIS operator can create a wide variety of maps for not only DPW applications, just about any purpose or scale, with whatever information you may require. Creating these maps are expensive in terms of the costs of ink and paper, thus may be reimbursable. If you need us to produce a special map for your unit, submit a Service Order and we will check our supplies on-hand and the operator's workload to determine if we can help you. Additionally; you can access the USAG Humphreys GIS Web site on the Internet, if you are authorized to have an account.

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Date created: 12/2/2010 2:25:59 PM
Date last updated: 11/22/2011 5:05:48 PM