Category Archives: Geography

GIS Day at the Census Bureau

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Tweet Written by: Katy Rossiter The holiday season is upon us and for the Geography Division at the U.S. Census Bureau, the season starts with GIS Day!  Today is GIS Day, a worldwide celebration that highlights how geography and GIS … Continue reading

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Collecting and Maintaining our Geographic Data

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Tweet Written by Steve Matheis and Katy Rossiter The Census Bureau collects and maintains geographic data in order to take censuses and surveys and to prepare and present statistical information.  We store all of our geographic data in the Master … Continue reading

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Decoding State-County Census Tracts versus Tribal Census Tracts

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Tweet Written by: Katy Rossiter The U.S. Census Bureau offers thousands of statistics at hundreds of geographic levels.   Census Bureau geographies help us organize all of this information.  One of the most popular levels of geography used in statistical analysis … Continue reading

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Updated Version of TIGERweb Now Available

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Tweet Written by: Ricardo J. Ruiz Have you been looking for a way to view all of the Census Bureau’s geographic areas and geographic information?  Do you need spatial data for your applications? We just released an updated version of … Continue reading

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Mapping at the U.S. Census Bureau

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Tweet Written by: Lisa Sikes and Katy Rossiter When you think of the Census Bureau, you might imagine filling out a census or survey form.  Maybe you think of the billions of statistics and counts that are available. What you … Continue reading

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