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39 WCPD 136 Memorandum on Major Drug Transit or Major Illicit Drug Producing Countries for 2003

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Title Page and table of contents PDF
Addresses and Remarks
The President's Radio Address - 107
January 25, 2003
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Remarks Following a Cabinet Meeting - 108
January 28, 2003
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Remarks in Grand Rapids, Michigan - 117
January 29, 2003
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Remarks on the Anniversary of the USA Freedom Corps - 129
January 30, 2003
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Remarks on the Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief - 137
January 31, 2003
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Addresses to the Nation
Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress on the State of the Union - 109
January 28, 2003
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Communications to Congress
Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report on the Extension of Normal Trade Relations Status for Certain Former Eastern Bloc States - 123
January 29, 2003
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Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report on the National Emergency With Respect to the Western Balkans - 123
January 29, 2003
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Message to the Congress Transmitting Notification of Intention To Enter Into a Free Trade Agreement With Chile - 126
January 29, 2003
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Message to the Congress Transmitting Notification of Intention To Enter Into a Free Trade Agreement With Singapore - 127
January 29, 2003
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Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report on the National Emergency With Respect to Iraq - 128
January 29, 2003
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Message to the Congress on the United States Air Force Operating Location Near Groom Lake, Nevada - 128
January 29, 2003
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Letter to Congressional Leaders Transmitting the Reorganization Plan Modification for the Department of Homeland Security - 136
January 30, 2003
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Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report on Achieving Militarily Significant Benchmarks for a Sustainable Peace in Kosovo - 144
January 31, 2003
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Communications to Federal Agencies
Memorandum on Determination Pursuant to Section 2(c)(1) of the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act of 1962, as Amended - 125
January 29, 2003
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Memorandum on Major Drug Transit or Major Illicit Drug Producing Countries for 2003 - 136
January 30, 2003
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Executive Orders
Executive Order 13285--President's Council on Service and Civic Participation - 123
January 29, 2003
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Interviews With the News Media
Remarks Prior to Discussions With Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi of Italy and an Exchange With Reporters - 133
January 30, 2003
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The President's News Conference With Prime Minister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom - 141
January 31, 2003
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Letters and Messages
Message on the Observance of the Lunar New Year - 116
January 22, 2003
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Notice--Notice of Intention To Enter Into a Free Trade Agreement With Chile - 125
January 29, 2003
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Notice--Notice of Intention To Enter Into a Free Trade Agreement With Singapore - 127
January 29, 2003
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Proclamation 7643--National Consumer Protection Week, 2003 - 108
January 27, 2003
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Proclamation--American Heart Month, 2003 - 135
January 30, 2003
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Statements by the President
Statement on the Reelection of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon of Israel - 123
January 29, 2003
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Statement on Joining the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor Collaboration - 134
January 30, 2003
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Statement on Senate Confirmation of John Snow as Secretary of the Treasury - 134
January 30, 2003
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Statement on the Return of Governors Island to the People of New York - 144
January 31, 2003
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Supplementary Materials
Digest of Other White House Announcements - 145
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Nominations Submitted to the Senate - 146
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Checklist of White House Press Releases - 147
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Acts Approved by the President - 148
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