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Airman Spotlight: Senior Airman Julio Torres
Senior Airman Julio Torres, 51st Operations Support Squadron
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Airman Spotlight: Senior Airman Julio Torres

Posted 2/3/2011   Updated 2/3/2011 Email story   Print story


2/3/2011 - OSAN AIR BASE, Republic of Korea -- Unit: 51st Operations Support Squadron

Job title: Aircrew flight equipment

Job description and its impact on the overall mission: Inspect parachute assemblies, survival kits, flotation devices, harnesses, and more. My overall impact on the mission is to insure the highest survivability rate for any aircrew member and to make sure they come home alive in the event of a worst-case scenario.

Time in the military: Three and a half years

Time at Osan: Seven months

DEROS: June 2011

Hometown: West Sacramento, Calif.

Hobbies: Playing basketball

Why did you join the military? I joined the military to better myself and my overall life and to serve my country.

Where do you see yourself in 10 or 20 years? 10 years: With a degree, family and hopefully running a business of my own. 20 years: Retired and with my family, seeing the world.

What do you do for fun here? Play basketball and travel Korea

What's your favorite Air Force memory or story? When I went TDY back to California and saw my family.

What accomplishment are you most proud of? Starting my life off in a good way; not too many young adults can say they lived in Korea for a year or have seen half the U.S. and been to a different country by the age of 23, so I'm proud to accomplish what I truly want - to see the world before my time is up.

Who are your role models? George Lopez, John Wooden, and most of all my mother and father.

2/18/2011 10:47:08 PM ET
Julio, we are so very proud of you! You have always been such a responsible young man. This just confirms what we all ready knew about you. The U.S. Air Force is lucky to have you and we are even luckier. PEACE man, we love you! - The Mitchell Family
Jennifer Mitchell, West Sacramento
2/18/2011 7:54:44 PM ET
Son, I always look on the website and here you are! I am so proud of you it brings tears to my eyes. I miss you so much, keep on living your dream and don't let no one get you down. Con Muncho Amor - MOM
Rita Mendoza, west sacramento
2/9/2011 3:08:59 AM ET
Thank you for all that you do SrA Torres. As a family member to someone that depends greatly on the life support equipment that you are responsible for I can't thank you enough for keeping my family member safe. In such an incident that they would need to rely on your equipment for survivability, it is because of you that they'll be able to come home to their families and personally this means the world to me. So thank you, thank you, thank you!
EJS, Osan AB
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