Chairman Dave Camp

The Tax Tracker

  • Praise from the Right, Left & Center for Camp’s Financial Products Tax Reform Discussion Draft

    January 31, 2013 - The Wall Street Journal: “Don’t give up on tax reform just yet…” “Don't give up on tax reform just yet…Late last week [Ways & Means Committee Chairman Dave] Camp released the second phase of his comprehensive tax overhaul plan, this one dealing with taxation of financial services. He says that the ... More
  • Small Business to Washington – Still Looking for Tax Reform

    January 15, 2013 - A new survey out today from the Job Creators Alliance echoes the call for comprehensive tax reform made by the House, the Senate and the White House. Amongst the findings, the survey reveals that small businesses identified taxes as “the single most important issue facing small businesses,” with re... More
  • Report Highlights Need For Comprehensive Tax Reform

    January 9, 2013 - Today, the National Taxpayer Advocate issued its 2012 Annual Report to Congress. Key findings include: It takes U.S. taxpayers (both individuals and businesses) more than 6.1 billion hours to complete tax filings. For 2010, the Taxpayer Advocate estimated that it cost individual and corporate taxpa... More
  • IRS to Congress: 100 Million Taxpayers Will Be Hit With Delayed Returns If AMT Is Not Patched

    December 19, 2012 - More
  • What the President’s Tax Rate Increases Mean: Fewer Jobs, Less Retirement Security

    December 10, 2012 - Today, as President Obama heads to Detroit to renew his call for $1.6 trillion in higher taxes, including higher tax rates, Main Street job creators are sharing first hand what the impact of the President’s proposal means to them and the men and women working alongside them – their employees. In so... More
  • The President’s Statements on Tax Reform Do Not Add Up

    December 5, 2012 - Yesterday, President Obama claimed that “the math” behind Republicans’ proposal to obtain $800 billion in revenue through tax reform without raising tax rates does not add up: "Unfortunately, the Speaker's proposal right now is still out of balance. You know, he talks, for example, about $800 billio... More
  • House GOP Plan (Tax Reform + 1 Million New Jobs) vs. President Obama's Plan (Same Tax Code + $1.6 Trillion in Higher Taxes)

    December 5, 2012 - GOP Tax Reform President’s Plan Creates a simpler and fairer tax code Yes No Closes special interest loopholes Yes No Lowers tax rates for families and employers Yes No Encourages job-creating investments Yes No Makes the United States a more attractive place to invest and create jobs by reducing t... More
  • Message from Main Street: Tax Hikes = Fewer Jobs

    December 5, 2012 - Today, President Obama will gather with the titans of Wall Street to promote his $1.6 trillion tax hike plan to avert the fiscal cliff. Main Street business owners across the country are speaking out too, warning that the President’s tax hikes, financed on the backs of Main Street, will turn the fi... More
  • President’s Plan: Unbalanced & Leads to More Unemployed

    November 30, 2012 - While President Obama campaigns in Pennsylvania today and makes another pitch to raise taxes by $1.6 trillion, he has still failed to put forward a “balanced” plan that includes significant spending reductions to deal with the fiscal cliff. The President’s continued focus on increasing tax rates is ... More
  • Balanced Approach?

    November 27, 2012 - In a news story titled “Efforts to Curb Social Spending Face Resistance,” today’s New York Times reports that, “In talks with Congressional leaders, Mr. Obama is seeking $1.6 trillion in additional revenue over 10 years and $340 billion in health care savings.” In noting that the “Administration wa... More