Resource Guides

Our researchers typically receive access to Intrepid, a 557-teraFLOPS  Blue Gene/P supercomputer. The ALCF also provides tool and application porting, software testing and optimization, and systems software development. In addition, Eureka, a visualization supercomputer, allows researchers to explore and visualize the flood of data they produce with Intrepid. A test and development system for visualization is open to users as well.

In 2012, an even more powerful system will be available to ALCF users—Mira, a 10-petaFLOPS IBM Blue Gene/Q system. This supercomputer will be 20 times faster than the Blue Gene/P, running programs at 10 quadrillion calculations a second. Argonne envisions Mira as a stepping stone to exascale-class computers that will be faster than petascale-class computers by a factor of a thousand. Exascale computing has the potential to address a class of highly complex workloads that currently have been beyond reach, not just due to their sheer size, but because of their inherent uncertainties and unpredictability.

These reference manuals provide documentation on how the systems are configured at ALCF.