In the News

Jan 16, 2013

DOE to Field Pre-Exascale Supercomputers Within Four Years


The national labs at Oak Ridge (ORNL), Argonne (ANL) and Lawrence Livermore (LLNL) are banding together for their next refresh of supercomputers. In late 2016 or early 2017, all three Department of Energy (DOE) centers are looking to deploy their first 100-plus petaflop systems, which will serve...

Dec 13, 2012

Blood Clots Are Ready for Their Close-Up [Slide Show]

Scientific American

Leopold Grinberg of Brown University and an international team of researchers have used three of the world's fastest supercomputers to create a detailed and sophisticated model of clot formation in an aneurism—a bulging of a vessel wall as it fills with blood. Joseph A. Insley and Michael E....

Nov 29, 2012

Sequoia Supercomputer Runs Cosmology Code at 14 Petaflops


Although Lawrence Livermore Lab's Sequoia supercomputer got knocked of its TOP500 perch a few weeks ago, the DOE machine hosted by National Nuclear Security Administration (...

Nov 20, 2012

Mira the supercomputer


Argonne's new supercomputer, a Blue Gene/Q called Mira, has been ranked the fourth fastest supercomputer in the world as of October 2012. Argonne's new supercomputer won't be in full production until 2013, but it represents such a leap forward that just the first two prototype racks already rank...

Nov 19, 2012

Failed explosions explain most peculiar supernovae

UChicago News

Supercomputer simulations have revealed that a type of oddly dim, exploding star is probably a class of duds—one that could nonetheless throw new light on the mysterious nature...

Nov 16, 2012

SHARP could slash nuclear reactor design costs


Back in the earliest days of nuclear energy, Argonne physicists and engineers used slide rules and their own basic knowledge of reactions and physics to design nuclear power plants. Then, beginning in the early 1960s, they enlisted computers to develop designs with data from experiments and...

Nov 13, 2012

Cray bumps IBM from Top500 supercomputer top spot


IDG News Service - The U.S. Department of Energy Oak Ridge National Laboratory's newly installed Titan system, a Cray XK7, has been anointed as the world's fastest supercomputer in the newly released 40th edition of the...

Nov 12, 2012

The 5 Fastest Supercomputers


(Article excerpt. For full article, go here.)

After years of trailing the Chinese and Japanese, the United States now has three of the four fastest supercomputers in...

Nov 12, 2012

'World's Fastest Supercomputer' Crowned in US


In the clash of the world's supercomputing titans, a new U.S. supercomputer named "Titan" is king.

The $100-million Titan seized the No. 1 supercomputer ranking on the Top500 List with a performance record of 17.59 petaflops per second (...

Nov 12, 2012

Top 10 Supercomputers, Illustrated (November 2012)

Data Center Knowledge

The twice-a-year list of the Top 500 supercomputers documents the most powerful systems on the planet. Many of these supercomputers are striking not just for their processing power, but for their design and appearance as well. Here’s a look at the top finishers in...
