Western Lake Erie Basin CEAP Biological Endpoints Partnership

NRCS and partners in the Western Lake Erie Basin (WLEB) have initiated a project to integrate biological endpoints in CEAP water quality modeling.  This is an effort of the CEAP Wildlife and Cropland components and builds on work conducted by The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and other CEAP partners in the Great Lakes region, whereby stream fish sample data were used to associate aquatic community status with water quality and other stream health metrics.  Prior or on-going CEAP Watersheds studies in the basin may also contribute data and modeling insights to the project.

A recent report from a TNC Great Lakes CEAP effort (PDF; 6.8 MB) provides background on the science leading to the approach that will be taken in the WLEB, with emphasis on integration into the CEAP cropland modeling framework at smaller watershed scales. Detailed WLEB project plan (PDF; 0.7 MB).

On May 16, 2012, an interdisciplinary WebEx meeting was held to inform the CEAP Steering Committee, partners and others working in the region, and other interested parties on the launch of this effort and to foster communication among relevant partners. Recording of the WebEx meeting (WebEx player required).

Presentation files used during the WebEx meeting:

Presenter Affiliation Title
Jeff Arnold ARS Blackland Texas Agri-Life Research and Extension Center SWAT Watershed Modeling/CEAP Wildlife , (PDF; 3.8 MB)
John Legge & Scott Sowa The Nature Conservancy An Overview of the TNC Watershed Strategy & Great Lakes CEAP Project , (PDF; 12.1 MB)
Scott Sowa The Nature Conservancy An Overview of the Western Lake Erie CEAP Project , (PDF; 4.4 MB)
David Baker Heidelberg University Long-Term Water Quality Monitoring in the Western Lake Erie Basin Watershed , (PDF; 0.9 MB)
Bob Miltner Ohio EPA Long-term biological monitoring slides , (PDF; 5.8 MB)
Julia Klapproth National Agricultural Statistics Service Practice application and management data: Maumee 2012 CEAP re-survey , (PDF; 0.6 MB)
Doug Smith ARS National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory CEAP at the St. Joseph River Watershed, Northeast Indiana , (PDF; 6.5 MB)
Jane Frankenberger & Indrajeet Chaubey Purdue University Cumulative Impacts of BMP Implementation – Maumee River Basin , (PDF; 2.6 MB)
Wendy Larson LimnoTech Great Lakes Watershed Ecological Sustainability Strategy , (PDF; 0.6 MB)

Recent updates:

Presenter Affiliation Title
Scott Sowa & John Legge The Nature Conservancy Semiannual Progress Report, October 2012 (PDF; 0.6 MB)

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