April 26, 2005


The Honorable A. J. Eggenberger

Acting Chairman

Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board

625 Indiana Avenue, NW, Suite 700

Washington, DC 20004


Dear Dr. Eggenberger:


As the Department’s responsible manager for the 2004-1 Implementation Plan, I am forwarding to you a Secretarial memorandum setting forth the roles and responsibilities of the Central Technical Authorities and Nuclear Safety Research Office.  We intend to further describe these roles and responsibilities in our upcoming revision to the Implementation Plan.


Please provide any further feedback to me at (202) 586-2550, or have your staff provide feedback to the 2004-1 project manager, Ms. Kim Davis, at (202) 586-3771.




Bruce M. Carnes

Associate Deputy Secretary




cc:   Mark B. Whitaker, Jr., DR-1

Jerry Paul, NA-1

David Garman, EE-1

John Shaw, EH-1