July 14, 2006


The Honorable A. J. Eggenberger


Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board

625 Indiana Avenue, NW, Suite 700

Washington, DC 20004-2941


Dear Mr. Chairman:


I am forwarding you the enclosed Office of Environmental Management (EM) Priority Listing.  This listing was prepared for Deliverable 8.6.1 in the Department’s 2004-2 Implementation Plan, Rev. 1, for Active Confinement Systems.  These lists were prepared and approved by each of the EM sites and my office.  The Chief of Nuclear Safety in the Office of the Under Secretary for Energy has reviewed and accepted the list.


If you have any comments or feedback, please call me at (202) 586-0738 or Mr. Dae Y. Chung, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Safety Management and Operations, at

(202) 586-5151.




Dr. Inés R. Triay

Chief Operating Officer for

  Environmental Management

