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Pregnant Friend e-card

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Personal Message:


When utilizing the personal message feature, you are responsible for the content of the message. Please note:

  • Comments and views expressed in the personal message feature are those of the individual sending the message and do not necessarily reflect those of the ODPHP/HHS or the Federal government.
  • ODPHP/HHS does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness or completeness of the information sent in a personal message.
  • ODPHP/HHS does not endorse content or links provided in a personal message.
  • ODPHP/HHS does not authorize the use of copyrighted materials contained in a personal message. Those who provide comments are responsible for the copyright of the text they provide.
  • ODPHP e-cards follow the privacy policy outlined on www.hhs.gov/Privacy.html and on www.healthfinder.gov/aboutus/privacy.aspx. ODPHP will not share or sell any personal information obtained from users with any other organization or government agency except as required by law.