Success Stories


A child using a USAID-supported "tippy tap"
“Our village is clean, and there is less disease, especially in children. I feel very proud when I come away from the bathroom and I press the pedal on my tippy tap.”

For the people of Saré Tening Mara, like many villages in Southern Senegal “going” outside after dark had always been an accepted way of life – but so had debilitating, and someti

Talibes begging in traffic
In response, a USAID basic education program began to sponsor a project under a “vulnerable children” component that works closely with marabouts to improve their awareness of the dangers that the children face in the streets.

Thierno Mamadou Sy is a marabout, a traditional West African Islamic teacher, from the Tambacounda region of Senegal.

Assisting the conflict-displaced in the Casamance region
While they sought peace and stability, instead many found the hard life of internal displacement in Senegal or as refugees into the neighboring Gambia or Guinea Bissau and longed to return to their native villages.

Back in the 1990s, it was nigh on impossible to find peace in the volatile Casamance region of Senegal.

A photo of the inside of a "health hut"
Mr. Coly reports that as a result, school absenteeism due to health reasons has plunged nearly 50 percent, from 17 percent to 9 percent.

One of main focal points in the village of Keur Sabassy Thiam in southwestern Senegal near the Gambian border is a “health hut,” a small facility where community-based volunteers provid

USAID helped Awa Diop (left) convince her husband to use a net every night.

Awa Diop, a homemaker from Pikine, a suburb of Senegal’s capital Dakar, had no trouble protecting her nine children from debilitating and deadly malaria by ensuring they all sleep under an in

Women selling goods at the market
(But Men Are Critical Too!)

 Because they process and prepare family dinners every night, women are the key focus to USAID’s agriculture and nutrition program that targets the country’s most under-nourished r

Two men from villages formerly in conflict embrace.
USAID program reunites former foes

 Mangacounda and Kanema are two neighboring villages in the rural community of Kaour, in the conflict-affected Casamance region of southern Senegal. 

Under a unique program, USAID reimburses the Government of Senegal for each new
Under a unique program, USAID reimburses the Government of Senegal for each new school in constructs for every school the government finances itself.

Since 2004, USAID/Senegal has been working to build new middle schools following an increase in the number of children successfully completing primary school.

Imam Kane in Thiamène Santie delivering messages on family planning and Islam.
USAID helps religious leaders convey positive messages on family planning

With a voice full of confidence, Imam Mouhamadou Takhiyou Kane shares his message with a captivated audience.

Workers in the Van Oers green bean processing company are part of a successful a

Van Oers, a green bean processing company in Senegal, saw an unmet demand for fresh produce in Europe during the winter, when northern farmers are stymied by the cold.