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Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC): Science Planning Workshop

June 27–29, 2012
NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory
Boulder, Colorado, USA

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Organization and Workshop Support: International Arctic Science Committee
Additional Workshop Support: Univ. of Colorado - CIRES and NOAA/ESRL
Co-Chairs: Ola Persson (NOAA-CIRES) and Matthew Shupe (NOAA-CIRES)
Logistics Contact: Madeline Sturgill, 1+ 303.497.5961

Concept of MOSAiC

Establish an international, multi-year, manned, drifting observatory in the central Arctic sea-ice pack to obtain comprehensive observations of interdependent atmosphere, sea-ice, and ocean processes that are important to the Arctic climate system. The drifting observatory will act as a centerpiece for a mosaic of coordinated and distributed observational activities throughout the Arctic Basin. Together these observational activities will comprise a testbed for process, regional, and global model evaluation and development. (Broad Objectives, Science Questions and Justification for MOSAiC)

Workshop Objective

Clearly delineate the high-level science drivers and questions concerning the central Arctic climate that can and should be addressed using a drifting observatory and related activities. Emphasis will be on defining fundamental questions that capture the important process-level linkages between the Arctic sea-ice, ocean, and atmosphere. An additional objective is to develop pathways towards broader coordination of these activities within the Arctic science community. Workshop results will contribute towards the development of a MOSAiC Science Plan.


NOTE:  Please register right away, if you have not already done so.
VENUE:  The workshop will be held at NOAA in Rooms GC402 and GB124 of the David Skaggs Research Center, 325 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado.