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Embassy Transcripts

Chairman Kerry On Kyrgyzstan’s Democratic Transition

June 30, 2011

June 28, 2011

Washington, DC - This morning, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry (D-MA) submitted a floor statement marking the one-year anniversary of Kyrgyzstan's constitutional referendum establishing Central Asia's first parliamentary democracy.

"Kyrgyzstan stands at a crossroads," said Chairman Kerry. "Over the past year, we have witnessed some progress, with credible parliamentary elections in October, the formation of a government in December, and a more vibrant media and political debate. But let's be clear: Kyrgyzstan's democratic experiment faces considerable challenges. The task of rebuilding the country after the deadly interethnic clashes of last summer is daunting and should inspire a sense of common purpose. Upcoming presidential elections in the fall present an opportune moment for Kyrgyzstan's leadership to articulate a political compact that unites the diverse elements of its society."