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Substitutes for Halon 1211 as a Streaming Agent

Ozone Protection Hotline (800) 296-1996

Substitutes are reviewed on the basis of ozone depletion potential, global warming potential, toxicity, flammability, and exposure potential. Lists of acceptable and unacceptable substitutes are updated several times each year. A chronological list of SNAP updates is available from the hotline. If your browser is unable to display tables, please call the hotline for a free paper copy.

Note: SNAP Notices and Final Rules published in the Federal Register take precedence over all information on the web site.
Acceptable Substitutes for Halon 1211 as a Streaming Agent
Substitute (Trade Name) Comments
HCFC-123 (FE-232) Non-residential uses only.
HCFC-124 (FE-241) Non-residential uses only.
[HCFC Blend] B (Halotron 1) Non-residential uses only.
[HCFC Blend] C (NAF P-III) Non-residential uses only.
[HCFC Blend] D (Blitz III) Non-residential uses only.
Gelled Halocarbon / Dry Chemical Suspension Allowable in the residential use market.
[Surfactant Blend] A [Cold Fire, FlameOut] None
Carbon Dioxide None
Water None
Water Mist Systems using Potable or Natural Sea Water None
Foam None
Dry Chemical None
Substitutes for Halon 1211 as a Streaming Agent Subject to Narrowed Use Limits
Substitute (Trade Name) Conditions or Restrictions Comments
[HCFC Blend] E (NAF P-IV) Acceptable in nonresidential uses only. As with other streaming agents, EPA recommends that potential risks of combustion byproducts be labeled on the extinguisher (see UL 2129).

Discharge testing and training should be strictly limited only to that which is essential to meet safety or performance requirements.

The agent should be recovered from the fire protection system in conjunction with testing or servicing, and recycled for later use or destroyed.

HFC-227ea (FM 200) Acceptable in nonresidential uses only. Discharge testing and training should be strictly limited only to that which is essential to meet safety or performance requirements.

The agent should be recovered from the fire protection system in conjunction with testing or servicing, and recycled for later use or destroyed.

Acceptable in nonresidential uses when manufactured using any process that does not convert perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) directly to HFC-236fa in a single step. Discharge testing and training should be strictly limited only to that which is essential to meet safety or performance requirements.

The agent should be recovered from the fire protection system in conjunction with testing or servicing, and recycled for later use or destroyed.

Acceptable for local application systems inside textile process machinery.

CF 3I Acceptable in nonresidential uses only. None
C 6F 14 (PFC-614, CEA-614) Acceptable for nonresidential uses where other alternatives are not technically feasible due to performance or safety requirements:

a. because of their physical or chemical properties, or

b. where human exposure to the extinguishing agents may result in failure to meet applicable narrowed use limits.

Users should observe the limitations on PFC acceptability by making reasonable effort to undertake the following measures:

(i) conduct an evaluation of foreseeable conditions of end use;

(ii) determine that the physical or chemical properties or other technical constraints of the other available agents preclude their use; and

(iii) determine that human exposure to the other alternative extinguishingagents may result in failure to meet applicable narrowed use limits; Documentation of such measures should be available for review upon request.

The principal environmental characteristic of concern for PFCs is that they have high GWPs and long atmospheric lifetimes. Actual contributions to global warming depend upon the quantities of PFCs emitted.

For additional guidance regarding applications in which PFCs may be appropriate, users should consult the description of potential uses which is included in the March 18, 1994, Final Rule (59 FR 13044). Discharge testing and training should be strictly limited only to that which is essential to meet safety or performance requirements.

The agent should be recovered from the fire protection system in conjunction with testing or servicing, and recycled for later use or destroyed.

C6-perfluoroketone [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 5, 5, 5 - nonafluoro - 4 - (trifluoromethyl) - 3 - pentanone] (Novec 1230) Acceptable in nonresidential uses only. For operations that fill canisters to be used in streaming applications, EPA recommends the following:
- install and use adequate ventilation ;
- clean up all spills immediately in accordance with good industrial hygiene practices; and
- provide training for safe handling procedures to all employees that would be likely to handle containers of the agent or extinguishing units filled with the agent.

Discharge testing and training should be strictly limited only to that which is essential to meet safety or performance requirements.

The agent should be recovered from the fire protection system in conjunction with testing or servicing, and recycled for later use or destroyed.

As with other streaming agents, EPA recommends that potential risks of combustion by-products be labeled on the extinguisher (see UL 2129)

EPA has no intention of duplicating or displacing OSHA coverage related to the use of personal protective equipment (e.g., respiratory protection), fire protection, hazard communication, worker training or any other occupational safety and health standard with respect to halon substitutes.

H Galden HFPEs

Acceptable in nonresidential uses only.

For operations that fill canisters to be used in streaming applications, EPA recommends the following:
- install and use adequate ventilation ;
- clean up all spills immediately in accordance with good industrial hygiene practices; and
- provide training for safe handling procedures to all employees that would be likely to handle containers of the agent or extinguishing units filled with the agent.

Discharge testing and training should be strictly limited only to that which is essential to meet safety or performance requirements.

The agent should be recovered from the fire protection system in conjunction with testing or servicing, and recycled for later use or destroyed.

As with other streaming agents, EPA recommends that potential risks of combustion by-products be labeled on the extinguisher (see UL 2129)

EPA has no intention of duplicating or displacing OSHA coverage related to the use of personal protective equipment (e.g., respiratory protection), fire protection, hazard communication, worker training or any other occupational safety and health standard with respect to halon substitutes.

Unacceptable Substitutes for Halon 1211 as a Streaming Agent
Substitute (Trade Name) Comments
CFC-11 This agent has been suggested for use on large outdoor fires for which non-ozone depleting alternatives are currently available. In addition, CAA section 610 bans the use of CFCs in portable extinguishers.

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