Tag: school

Many school forms require personal and, sometimes, sensitive information — like your child's social security number. Protect this information from falling into the wrong hands. The next time you're asked for your child's personal information,...

Admongo shows kids how to identify ads, as well as advertising methods and techniques. Using Admongo and its supplemental materials gives your students the tools to become more thoughtful consumers of media and products.

Advertisers use many techniques to reach their audiences. Admongo shows you how to identify those techniques so you will be more aware of how you're being influenced to do, think, or buy something.

Ads contain messages asking you to do something — like buy a product or service. Admongo shows you how to identify those messages and think critically about the action the ad wants you to take.

Get ready for your "aducation" with Haze! He will walk you through Admongo. Meet the challenge to find all the ads, determine who created them, and understand the actions the ads want you to take.

Having an "aducation" means understanding the true messages behind advertising. Admongo teaches this to kids in a way that's fun, interactive and helps them become more thoughtful consumers. Use Admongo in the classroom or at home with teaching...

Vocational schools, also known as trade or career schools, and correspondence schools can be a great way to train for a variety of jobs. But not all these schools are reputable. Research any school you hope to attend, its training program, its...

A child's Social Security number can be used by identity thieves to apply for government benefits, open bank and credit card accounts, apply for a loan or utility service, or rent a place to live. Check for a credit report to see if your child’s...

A joint publication of the Federal Trade Commission and the U.S. Department of Education

An education beyond high school is an investment in your future. It can be expensive and often requires you or your family to take out loans to help...

Looking to improve your chances of being hired or promoted? Earning a degree may be the answer, but not all degrees programs are on the up and up. Though many online schools and distant learning programs are legitimate, there are some...
