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Pacific Division (PD)

Headquarters Marine Corps

Plans, Policies & Operations (PP&O)
Pacific Division (PD)
Mission Statement

Formulate service policy to support Marine Corps force realignments in the Pacific in accordance with the U.S. - Japan International Agreement on the Guam relocation.

Develop Marine Corps positions on capabilities, force posture, facilities and infrastructure, and budgeting to support Pacific realignments. 

Coordinate Marine Corps policies and actions related to Pacific realignments with the Office of the Secretary of Defense and the Office of the Secretary of the Navy.

Points of Contact
Billet                Business Phone                             
Director               (703) 614-2637                                 
Deputy Director                (703) 692-4329                                 
Branch Head                (703) 614-4575                                 
Administrative Officer                (703) 614-2690                                 

There are currently no active announcements.

Director, Pacific Division

SES Bryan H. Wood
Director, Pacific Division