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Air-Ground Radiotelephone Service


Air-Ground Radiotelephone Service

The air-ground radiotelephone service includes commercial and general aviation services. Licensees may offer a wide range of telecommunications services to passengers and others on aircraft.
Commercial aviation air-ground radiotelephone service licensees operate in the 800 MHz band and can provide communication services to all aviation markets, including commercial, governmental, and private aircraft. Services include, but are not limited to, voice telephony, broadband internet access, and data. However, fixed services and ancillary land mobile services are not permitted.
General aviation air-ground radiotelephone service licensees operate in the 450 MHz band and can provide a variety of telecommunications services to private aircraft such as small single engine planes and corporate jets.
In addition to the Commission’s rules governing air-ground services, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and aircraft operator rules and policies restrict the use of personal electronic devices (PEDs) on aircraft. The use of PEDs, which include wireless telephones, pagers, personal digital assistants, portable music players, video games and laptop computers, remains subject to FAA and aircraft operator authority over inflight safety.
Service At A Glance
Air-Ground Radiotelephone Service
Air-ground service providers may offer a wide range of communications services to users on board aircraft.
Also Known AsAir-Ground
Service Rules47 CFR, Part 22, Subpart G
Band Plan
Band(s)Commercial Aviation Air-Ground Stations:
849.0-850.5 / 894.0-895.5
850.5-851.0 / 895.5-896.0
General Aviation Air-Ground Stations:
454.675-454.975 / 459.675-459.975
Block SizeCommercial air-ground service: 2 nationwide licenses, 3 MHz and 1 MHz
Market Areas Commercial air-ground service - nationwide
General aviation air-ground service - by transmitter site
Fee and Mailing Instructions
ULS Radio Service Codes
CA - Commercial aviation air-ground service (incumbent)
CG - General aviation air-ground service
CJ - Commercial aviation air-ground service (auctioned)
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