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Press Releases 2010

Request for Applications to the Avon Award for the Elimination of Gender Based Violence

U.S. Embassy Bogotá, Colombia

I.  Funding Opportunity:

The purpose of this announcement is to inform interested organizations about funding opportunities through grants or cooperative agreements to the Avon Award for the Elimination of Gender Based Violence program. 
The Embassy and the Department of State in partnership with the Avon Foundation seek proposals from qualified organizations for sustainable projects that describe an effective pilot or demonstration project in the host country that addresses gender based violence at the local level.
Organizations that submit applications in response to this announcement acknowledge and accept all of the requirements contained herein.  This announcement serves as public notice to all interested parties to have equal opportunity to submit project proposals for funding consideration.  All submissions in response to this announcement are voluntary and do not obligate the Embassy or the Department of State to fund any proposal or proposal preparation costs.

II. Background Information: 
The Embassy is committed to advancing the rights of women and girls as a central focus of U.S. foreign policy interests, in partnership with the private and nonprofit sectors. The Global Fund for Women and Girls established by Secretary Hillary Clinton is a State Department managed, privately funded initiative committed to providing flexible, rapid, targeted, and high-impact grants to nongovernmental organizations working to meet the critical needs of women and girls around the world.  Following the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing to promote the advancement of women as a U.S. foreign policy goal, the Avon Foundation partnered with the Department of State by contributing $500,000 to the Secretary's Global Fund for Women and Girls for programs which combat gender based violence (GBV). 

III. Eligibility:

Colombian non-profit and/or non-governmental organizations are eligible to apply to this announcement.  

IV. Application Content:

Applications to this program should contain the following sections described below and be no longer than seven (7) pages, single spaced in 12 point font. As an appendix and in addition to the proposal, applicants must submit a cost schedule or budget that shows the organization's technical and labor cost categories as it relates to the proposed project in MS Excel format, and, if applicable, a copy of the organization's Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (NICRA) with the U.S. Government should be included.

  • Project Statement: The project statement should describe the need for the program to address key GBV problems in the host country or target area within the host country.   Corroboration of the problem should be presented, including available qualitative and quantitative information such as recent research studies and baseline statistics relevant to the proposed project.  To the extent possible, the proposal should describe how the proposed activity complements existing efforts in the country, fills a programmatic gap in the area, and does not duplicate other programs, including those currently funded by the USG.  
  • Project Goals, Objectives, and Performance Indicators: Applications should describe, in detail, an effective pilot or demonstration project in the host country that addresses gender based violence at the local level.  Project activities should address a key GBV issue or issues in the targeted area and applicants should specify appropriate objectives and actions to address the identified problem. 
    The objectives in the proposed project design should be logically linked to the overall goal of this program which is the elimination of gender based violence.  Applicants should also specify quantifiable output and outcome performance indicators for each objective. Reporting or developing baseline statistics for use in measuring program effectiveness is encouraged.
    Applications should outline the performance indicators that will be used to measure progress toward project objectives.   Output indicators to measure the products and services delivered directly by the program activities should also be described.
  • Implementation and Sustainability: Applications should contain an implementation plan which provides sufficient detail as to how project objectives will be achieved and how the project will further the goal of eliminating gender based violence.  The implementation plan should also specify a general timeline for completion of project activities.  Roles of key personnel or partner organizations, rationale for locations where activities will be performed, and evidence of local support for the proposed activities should be provided.  
    In this section, applicants should describe how the project is sustainable and how it is an effective pilot or demonstration project in the host country that addresses gender based violence at the local level.  This section should include a discussion as to how the project might be expanded or scaled to further address and prevent gender based violence at the local and national level.  
  • Organizational Capability and Experience: Applications should include a clear description of the applicant's previous programming experience and list all current and completed donor funded projects in the last three years and include the name and contact information for each donor.  In this section applicants should identify any local partners involved in the project, and provide a brief description of their experience and capacity. Applicants must demonstrate how their resources, capabilities, and experience will enable them to achieve the stated project objectives.
  • Budget (This section must not exceed 3 pages.) The budget must specify the total amount of funding requested in U.S. dollars and should be presented in both of the two formats described in detail below: A) Line-Item Budget and B) Budget Narrative.  Each are described below:
    • Line-Item Budget breakdown or spreadsheet showing costs in each of the budget categories listed below. A line-item budget with detailed calculations must show estimation methods, quantities, unit costs, and other similar details.
      Personnel - For each staff person, provide information such as job title, time commitment to the project as a percentage of full-time equivalent, annual salary (or wage rate), and salary from grant funds.
      Fringe Benefits - Provide a breakdown of the amounts and percentages that comprise fringe benefit costs for employees, including required local taxes and insurance.  Fringe benefit costs should be shown separately from salary costs and include an explanation of how benefits are computed for each category of employee.
      Travel - Identify staff and participant travel and per diem allowance calculations.   Per diem rates may not exceed the published USG allowance rates, but applicants do have the option of using lower per diem rates.
      Equipment - For each type of equipment requested, provide a description of the equipment, the cost per unit, the number of units, and the total cost. Equipment is defined as tangible property having a useful life of more than one year, and a single unit acquisition cost of $5,000 or more.
      Supplies - List items separately using unit costs for photocopying, postage, telephone/fax, printing, and office supplies.
      Contractual - Provide the costs of all contracts for services and goods, except for those that belong under other categories (such as equipment, supplies, construction, etc.).  For each sub-grant/contract, provide a detailed line-item breakdown explaining specific costs and services.  If consultants will be used in the grant, provide all costs related to their activities, including travel and per diem costs.
      Other Direct Costs - Provide computations for all other costs directly associated with this project.  These costs, where applicable and appropriate, may include but are not limited to professional services, space and equipment rentals, stipends, telephone and electricity.
      Indirect Charges - This category may be used only when the applicant has a Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (NICRA) negotiated with the U.S. Government.  
    • Budget Narrative briefly explain each line-item to sufficiently justify each identified cost. The budget narrative should include a justification for how the cost in each category is derived.  The budget narrative must be presented in 12 point font.
      Personnel - Identify staffing requirements by each position title with a brief description of duties, including work locations, and other justifications for these costs as they relate to the project.
      Fringe Benefits - Provide an explanation of fringe costs and how they are calculated.
      Travel - Provide a description of travel costs, including the purpose of the travel and how the travel relates to the project.
      Equipment - Provide justification for any equipment purchase/rental, including computers and related hardware, and their planned use for the project.
      Supplies - Specifically describe general categories of supplies and their direct use for the project.
      Contractual - Describe each contractual or consultant cost, and outline the necessity of each for the project.
      Other Direct Costs - Provide a narrative description and a justification for each cost under this category and describe how the costs specifically relate to this project.
      The following cost elements will not be reimbursed and are not allowable in this program:
      • International travel. 
      • Direct support or the appearance of direct support for individual or single party electoral campaigns.
      • Direct support or the appearance of direct support for any religious organization, to include repair or building of structures used for religious purposes.
      • Military or law enforcement assistance of any kind, including weapons buy back or rewards programs. 
      • Purchase of firearms, ammunition, or removal of unexploded ordnances.
      • Police, para-police (i.e., militias, neighborhood watch, security guards) and prison-related projects of any kind.  This restriction includes no funding of any secondary need in a law- enforcement organization.
      • Payments for any host government, military or civilian government employee salary or pension.
      • Duplication of services immediately available through municipal, provincial, or national government.
      • Vehicle purchases. Farm equipment, such as small tractors, and transportation costs are allowable expenses.
      • Medical and psychological research or clinical studies.
      • Funds for market research, advertising (unless public service related to grant program) or other promotional expenses.
      • Entertainment, social activities, alcohol, ceremonials, hospitality and activities relating thereto.  Meal costs associated with an overall project are allowable (i.e., working meal). Food or refreshment expenses are limited to 10% of the total budget.
      • Expenses listed as miscellaneous.  
      • Expenses made prior to the approval of a proposal or unreasonable expenditures will not be reimbursed.

The Embassy and the Department of State must determine that the costs paid for this award are reasonable, allowable, and allocable to the proposed project activities.  This will consist of a review of the line-item and narrative budgets to determine if the overall costs are realistic for the work to be performed. Costs shall be evaluated for realism, control practices, and efficiency.  Emphasis will be placed on the cost-effectiveness of the proposal.   The overhead and administrative components of the proposal, including salaries and fringe benefits, should be kept as low as possible.  All other items should be necessary and appropriate. Cost-sharing is strongly encouraged, but not required.

V. Award Information:

  • Grants or Cooperative Agreements Awards will be for the period of one to two years depending upon project activity and design.   The Embassy and the Department of State reserves the right to award less or more than the funds described in this announcement. Recipients will be required to submit quarterly technical and financial reports.  An example of the Department of State's award terms and conditions is found at
    Award recipients must comply with Executive Order 13224, Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions with Persons who Commit, Threaten to Commit, or Support Terrorism.  Information about this Executive Order can be found at

Vi. Proposal Submission Instructions and Deadline:

Applicants must submit a completed Standard Form 424 and attach their application and related documents as described above.  These forms, and the instructions for their completion, can be found at

Recipients of funding under this announcement will be subject to the Department of State terms and conditions found at and the terms set forth in this announcement. 

Proposals with attachments must be submitted to the Embassy via email to  To meet the announcement deadline, submissions must be received by October 15, 2010 by 11:59pm local.

VII. Review and Selection Process:

Proposal submissions in response to this announcement will be reviewed and evaluated according to each of the criteria below.  The criteria are closely related and evaluators will consider the criteria as a whole in judging the application.

Organization Profiles--The organization has sufficient depth of experience and talent to provide technical assistance in the proposed program as described in this announcement.  The organization will collaborate with local entities to the maximum extent possible. Where collaborators are proposed, the applicant describes the rationale for the collaboration, each partner's respective role, and how the coalition will enhance the accomplishment of the project goals.  In all cases, the applicant describes joint planning consultation efforts undertaken. Individual organization staffs, including volunteers, are well qualified. (20 points)
Project Design --The applicant must demonstrate that the project strategy and design are likely to achieve the proposed results; that proposed activities and timeframes are reasonable and feasible.  The proposal describes in detail how project activities will be accomplished and reasonably outlines the potential for the project to have a positive impact towards eliminating gender based violence.   (20 points)
Results or Benefits Expected--The applicant clearly describes the results and benefits to be achieved. The applicant identifies how program results will be measured by specifying key indicators and providing program milestones indicating progress.  Proposed outcomes are tangible and achievable within the grant project period. The application clearly describes how the project could be expanded or scaled to more broadly address the elimination of gender based violence at the local and national level. 
 (30 points)
Ownership, Innovation, and Sustainability -- Applications will be evaluated on the reasonableness or likelihood of sustainable results that will endure beyond the term of the project and the effectiveness of project inputs.  Proposals that include a strategy or plan will be evaluated on probability of local institutionalization, sustainability, scalability, reasonableness and innovation.  (30 points)