Public Mtg Presentation [Missoula] Title Slide 1: The words included are: Missoula KS - Area Mail Processing (AMP) Public Meeting. November 29, 2011 End of Text. Image Information: United States Postal Service Logo in the far top left corner. End of Image information. End of Title Slide 1. Slide 2: Has the heading: Two Topics The words included are: (square text box)Radical Network Realignment (square text box)Area Mail Processing study End of Text. Image Information: United States Postal Service Logo in the far top left corner. End of Image information. End of Slide 2. Slide 3: Has the heading: Mail Volume Shifting to a Less Profitable Mix Image Information: Image 1: Bar graph showing the years 2006, 2010, 2016 and 2020 and a decline of First-Class Mail in billions of pieces from 98 billion to 39 billion pieces. Image 2: Bar graph showing the years 2006, 2010, 2016 and 2020 and a slight decline then a straight line of Standard Mail in billions of pieces from 103 billion to 86 billion pieces. Image 3: United States Postal Service Logo in the far top left corner. End of Image information. End of Slide 3. Slide 4: Has the heading: Network Capacity Image Information: Image 1: A curved line reaching upward showing the Growth of Capacity Expansion from 1970 to 2006. Image 2: United States Postal Service Logo in the far top left corner. End of Image information. End of Slide 4. Slide 5: Has the heading: Network Capacity Image Information: Image 1: A curved line reaching upward showing the Growth due to Capacity Expansion from 1970 to 2006. Image 2: A curved line reaching downward showing the Consolidation due to Excess Capacity 2006 to 2013. Image 3: United States Postal Service Logo in the far top left corner. End of Image information. End of Slide 5. Slide 6: Has the heading: Potential Decreas in Processing Facilities Through 2013 Image Information: Image 1: United States Postal Service Logo in the far top left corner. Image 2: A line graph showing the number of processing facilites from 2006 through 2011 and projected from 2011 through 2013. 2006: 673 facilities; 2007: 623 facilities; 2008: 614 facilities; 2009: 599 facilities; 2010 528 facilities; 2011: 487 facilities; 2011 - 2013: less than 200 facilities. End of Image information. End of Slide 6. Slide 7: Has the heading: Mail Processing Facility Footprint Has the sub heading: 487 Facilities Today Image Information: Image 1: Legend box showing dots on map are the current 487 mail processing sites. Image 2: United States Postal Service Logo in the far top left corner. Image 3: Map of United States filled with dots showing where the 487 mail processing facilities are currently located. End of Image information. End of Slide 7. Slide 8: Has the heading: Mail Processing Facility Footprint Has the sub heading: Studying 252 Facilities for Potential Consolidation Image Information: Image 1: Legend box showing blue stars on map show the facilities currently under study. Legend box showing red stars on map are the 252 mail processing sites announced on Sept. 15th. Image 2: United States Postal Service Logo in the far top left corner. Image 3: Map of United States filled with dots, red and blue stars. End of Image information. End of Slide 8. Slide 9: Has the heading: Mail Processing Facility Footprint Has the sub heading: Potential Network Image Information: Image 1: United States Postal Service Logo in the far top left corner. Image 2: Map of United States filled with dots showing where the mail processing facilities will potentially remain. End of Image information. End of Slide 8. Slide 10: Has the heading: Mail Processing Redesign Image Information: Image 1: Drawing of a Mail Processing Facility with a truck entering and a truck leaving. Image 2: Clock showing current operation occuring between 12am and 6am. Image 3: Clock showing proposed operation occuring between 9am through 3am next day. Image 4: United States Postal Service Logo in the far top left corner. End of Image information. End of Slide 10. Slide 11: Has the heading: Driving Efficiency Has the sub heading: Future Network (square bullet)Support 2-3 day Service Standards (square bullet)Revised Entry Times (square bullet)Reduced Equipment (square bullet)Reduced Footprint Has the sub heading: Benefits (square bullet)Eliminate Excess Capacity (square bullet)More Efficient Transportation Network (square bullet)Fully Utilized Workforces (square bullet)Substantial Savings End of Text. Image Information: United States Postal Service Logo in the far top left corner. End of Image information. End of Slide 11. Slide 12: Has the heading: Our Customers Has the sub heading: Changes (square bullet)Planning for new mail processing footprint and transport pattern (square bullet)Transitioning to 2-3 day service standard Has the sub heading: Our Approach (square bullet)Ongoing communication and collaborative solutions End of Text. Image Information: United States Postal Service Logo in the far top left corner. End of Image information. End of Slide 12. Slide 13: Has the heading: Our Employees The words included are: 559,000 Total Career Employees 151,000 Total Mail Processing Employees 35,000 Fewer Mail Processing Positions End of Text. Image Information: United States Postal Service Logo in the far top left corner. End of Image information. End of Slide 13. Slide 14: Has the heading: Topic The words included are: (square text box)Area Mail Processing study End of Text. Image Information: United States Postal Service Logo in the far top left corner. End of Image information. End of Slide 14. Slide 15: Has the words: Distance between Facilities 197.4 miles Image Information: Image 1: Map showing the Missoula service area and the Spokane service area and the drive route between the two. Image 2: United States Postal Service Logo in the far top left corner. End of Image information. End of Slide 15. Slide 16: Has the heading: Business Case *preliminary results subject to change The words included are: Mail Processing Workhour Savings: $1,439,109 Mail Processing Management Savings: $271,922 Maintenance Savings: $468,715 Transportation Savings: ($974,414) Proposed Annual Savings: $1,205,332 End of Text. Image Information: United States Postal Service Logo in the far top left corner. End of Image information. End of Slide 16. Slide 17: Has the heading: Employee Impacts *Preliminary results subject to change The words included are: Net craft impacts: -26 Net management impacts: -2 All bargaining employee reassignmens will be made in accordance with the respective collective bargaining agreements End of Text. Image Information: United States Postal Service Logo in the far top left corner. End of Image information. End of Slide 17. Slide 18: Has the heading: Customer & Delivery Services The words included are: (square bullet)Supports a 2-3 day service standard for First-Class Mail (square bullet)Retail and other services (square bullet)Business mail acceptance (square bullet)Collection mail (square bullet)Delivery of mail (square bullet)Local Postmark End of Text. Image Information: United States Postal Service Logo in the far top left corner. End of Image information. End of Slide 18. Slide 19: Has the heading: Next Steps The words included are: (square bullet)Complete Area and HQ Review (square bullet)Review Public Comments (square bullet)Continue Network Optimization studies End of Text. Image Information: United States Postal Service Logo in the far top left corner. End of Image information. End of Slide 19. Slide 20: The words included are: Mail additional comments to: Manager, Consumer and Industry Contact, Dakotas District, PO Box 7570, Sioux Falls SD 57117-7570 Must be postmarked by December 14, 2011. End of Text. Image Information: United States Postal Service Logo in the far top left corner. End of Image information. End of Slide 21.