USAWC Spouse's Projects


Spouse Project AY 2012!

The United States Army War College Military Family Program is pleased to announce this academic year’s Spouse Project AY 2012!

Recapture the Sisterhood, Embrace the Misterhood is a compilation of fabulous need-to-know information pertaining to connecting, coaching, and mentoring today’s Army spouse. Using feedback, personal experience, and anecdotal vignettes, the goal of this project is to reignite an interest in assuming the unique role an Army Spouse can have in this area.

“Sisterhood” will be a great addition to your resource library!



Need to Know For Military Families Group:

Each year at the United States Army War College (USAWC), the spouses of the students are given the opportunity to participate in a class project.

Our goal with this project was to gather as many pre-existing links to official and unofficial sites along with a way to search within the listing and to make this available to family members no matter where they are located across the world. We chose to use a social bookmarking site because it allowed us to connect the user to the most up to date official information.

This allowed us to create a listing that will continue to grow over the years. Anyone can join the Diigo bookmarking site and add websites that they have found useful. This way, the collective group of military families, Active Duty, Reserve, National Guard, etc... will benefit and also continue to improve the project as time goes by.
Download the Diigo Instructions and get started !!!




Basics from the Barracks:

Military Etiquette and Protocol:

The AY 2011 Spouses' pulled double duty and added a second project to this years activities.

Basics from the Barracks - Military Etiquette and Protocol, a comprehensive resource to assist fellow military families with information relating to our military, national, and international etiquette and protocol.