Energy, Climate, & Infrastructure Security (ECIS)


CSP Industry Links

On September 26, 2012, in

Please note that by clicking the links below, you will be redirected to a non-federal Web site. The following sites are subject to the DOE disclaimer. Trough Systems CLFR Power Towers Acciona Abengoa Sener Solar Millennium SkyFuel Siemens Ausra SPG/Mann SkyFuel Abengoa Brightsource Energy SolarReserve eSolar Dish Engine Systems Molten Salt Components   CleaNergy Schlaich [...]

Areva Solar and Sandia Labs Join Forces for CLFR Molten-Salt Storage

Areva Solar is collaborating with Sandia National Laboratories on a new concentrated solar power (CSP) installation with thermal energy storage. The CSP storage project combines Areva’s modular Compact Linear Fresnel Reflector (CLFR) solar design with Sandia Labs’ proven molten-salt storage system. This will be the first CSP integration with Sandia Labs’ Molten-Salt Test Loop System [...]