Energy, Climate, & Infrastructure Security (ECIS)
ECISEnergyRenewable EnergyWind EnergyProgram Activities: Integration Technology Assessment and Support

Program Activities: Integration Technology Assessment and Support

Though wind turbine systems continue to improve, the success of wind energy in the marketplace increasingly depends on the ability to integrate wind effectively into the existing power grid and address the barriers associated with large scale deployment. In order to address some of these challenges, Sandia supports several research activities of high priority to the industry, such as characterization and mitigation of the effect of wind turbines on civilian and military radar systems, modeling of wind power generators in the grid, and wind interconnection/integration analyses and best practices. Sandia will continue to provide support to the wind integration analysis effort by collaborating with the appropriate utility/grid operators and relevant stakeholders. Sandia is actively participating in DOE’s Transformational Energy Action Management (TEAM) initiative through the analysis of an on-site 30 MW wind farm that would tie into the Sandia distribution network and be utilized by both Sandia and Kirtland Air Force Base.

Additionally, Sandia is actively involved in several industry committees on wind energy integration including:

  • Institute of Electric and Electronic Engineer (IEEE)
    • Dynamic Performance of Wind Power Generation Working Group (Chair)
    • Wind Power Coordinating Committee
  • North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC)
    • Interconnection of Variable Generators Task Force
  • Western Electric Coordinating Council
    • Modeling & Validation Work Group
    • Wind Generator Modeling Group (Chair)
    • Variable Generation Subcommittee
  • Utility Wind Integration Group (UWIG)

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