Energy, Climate, & Infrastructure Security (ECIS)
ECISEnabling CapabilitiesBasic Energy SciencesChemical Sciences

Chemical Sciences

Sandia’s Basic Energy Sciences (BES) Chemical Sciences Program explores fundamental research in focused areas chemistry relevant to DOE missions. The focus of the Chemical Sciences research at Sandia is the production of energy from chemical processes, principally combustion. In addition to supporting research at Sandia, Chemical Sciences constructed and runs the Combustion Research Facility (CRF).

The Chemical Sciences effort encompasses:

  • Chemical Dynamics
  • Chemical Kinetics
  • Reaction Rate Theory and Modeling
  • Flame Chemistry
  • Laser Diagnostics
  • Turbulent Flame Theory and Modeling
  • Flame Dynamics
  • Interfacial Science


The Combustion Research Facility (CRF) is a DOE research facility dedicated to employing chemical imaging and high-performance computing to elucidate the fundamental physics and chemistry that underpin the use of chemically based energy sources such as combustion.

The CRF serves as a national and international focus for combustion science research. Founded in 1980, the CRF has pioneered the use of chemical imaging tools, such as laser diagnostics, for combustion applications. A coordinated effort of modeling based on leadership-class high-performance computing and detailed experimental investigations of model systems yields unique insights into complex chemical and physical phenomena.

The CRF is located at Sandia National Laboratories Livermore and maintains an active visitor program for short- and long-term collaborations. The CRF also houses a complementary applied technology effort, which connects the fundamental science of the BES program to end use systems.

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