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Pehong Chen: The future is in the “cloud”

Pehong Chen: The future is in the “cloud”

November 30, 2012
Dr. Chen sharing his vision for the future of networking (State Dept. Photo)

Dr. Chen sharing his vision for the future of networking

 Ambassador McFaul welcomes Dr. Pehong Chen (State Dept. Photo)

Ambassador McFaul welcomes Dr. Pehong Chen

On November 29, Ambassador McFaul welcomed the third speaker in our Spaso Innovation Series Dr. Pehong Chen, founder and CEO of BroadVision. Speaking in a conversational format with the Ambassador and other invited guests, Dr. Chen outlined his vision for the future of networking – less email, and more “cloud” computing. He said that the way in which we communicate and organize data has fundamentally changed. Before, we had one PC that contained all of our data. Now, we have smart phones, tablets, work PCs, home PCs and we need data to exist independently of the device in a cloud. As a company, BroadVision has moved away from traditional email with multiple people in the cc line to open cloud communities, where those who need access to data can go to the cloud to get it. Dr. Chen described this phenomenon as a shift from “Enterprise 1.0” which is data-centric to “Enterprise 2.0” which is people-centric. Leveraging this new cloud reality, he said, means that companies can more freely outsource different processes and employees no longer need to be housed in one building but can be anywhere in the world, connected via the cloud network. In Enterprise 2.0, the default will be sharing information which will inevitably change some of our paradigms concerning the protection of intellectual property.