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Conducting Business Online

  • Submitted on 26 October 2012

    E-CommerceThe Internet’s global reach has made possible a cost-effective means for marketing products and services overseas. Companies that establish a corporate web site, which publicizes their products and services, provide an electronic mechanism for safe and secure electronic transactions, features order tracking, and lists products’ technical specifications can easily apply electronic commerce to international marketing.

    Small- and medium-sized companies can marshal available resources to broaden market presence internationally by adopting some of these e-commerce or electronic business practices.

    Step-by-Step Guide to Going Online

    Use these steps as a guide to creating your website and marketing your company overseas using the Internet and key service providers.

  • Submitted on 26 October 2012

    Global WebCompanies seeking foreign audiences with their websites will want to either localize or internationalize their site, or provide a mixture of both processes. Forrester Research notes that "visitors linger twice as long [on international sites] as they do at English-only web sites; business buyers are three times more likely to buy if addressed in their own language; and customer services costs drop when instructions are displayed in the user's language."

    Localization consists of adapting one’s website to meet the linguistic, cultural, and commercial requirements of a targeted market. Internationalizing a firm’s website enables the company to be multilingual and to be sensitive to cultural conventions without the need for extensive redesign. Localization or internationalization must be part of the online exporter’s corporate strategy for website and business development.

  • Submitted on 31 August 2012

    Created on August 31, 2012

    This summer millions of business across the country were forced to close their doors in the aftermath of power outages, approaching wildfires, and flooding caused by tropical storms.  Business interruptions, even if it lasts just a few hours, cost business owners greatly in terms of lost productivity and profits.

  • Submitted on 29 March 2012

    Grants.gov Screen ShotGrants.gov is a free online source to FIND and APPLY for federal grants. Grants.gov does NOT provide personal financial assistance. Grants.gov is a central storehouse for information on over 1,000 grant programs and provides access to approximately $500 billion in annual awards.

    Purpose: Grants Opportunities

    Who should register in GRANTS.gov?

    • Organization: An individual responsible for submitting a grant on behalf a company, state, local, or tribal government, academia or research institution, not-for-profit or any other institution

    • Individual: A individual can register to apply for “individual eligible” grants

    What is required to register?

    • Complete a standard business profile that include, DUNS, CAGE, and MPIN numbers

    • Submit an Authorized Organization Representative (AORs) application

    • Have an E-Business point of contact (POC)

    • Detailed application can be found on grants.gov

    Who can access Grants.gov?

  • Submitted on 27 March 2012

    Obama administration launches online platform in response to requests from businesses for easy access to assistance at every stage of development

    BusinessUSA is more than a web site; it’s a gateway for small businesses and exporters of all sizes to find information about available federal programs without having to waste time and resources navigating the federal bureaucracy.

    BusinessUSA combines information and services from 10 different government agencies, including MBDA, through one consolidated website and coordinate telephone support through a single 1-800 number.

  • Submitted on 20 March 2012

    The U.S. Small Business Administration will host the fourth of its free Mentor-Protégé Matchmaking Conference series in Los Angeles, Calif., on March 21.  The program gives small disadvantaged businesses access to guidance on federal contracting, face-to-face meetings and opportunities to team with larger businesses and graduates of the SBA’s 8(a) Business Development program.

  • Submitted on 22 February 2012

    Challenge.gov LogoToday, in conjunction with the newly-launched BusinessUSA initiative, the Department of Commerce announced the launch of their business app challenge.  The $10,000 contest challenges app developers to find innovative ways to utilize Commerce and other publicly available data and information to support American businesses. The business app challenge calls on developers to utilize at least one Department of Commerce data set in creating an application that assists businesses and/or improves the service delivery of Business.USA.gov to the business community.  Developers may choose the platform that best suits them. Applicants may design for the web, personal computer, mobile handheld device, or any platform broadly accessible to the open Internet. A list of developer-friendly data sets can be found on the Business Data and Tools page of Data.gov.

  • Submitted on 15 September 2011

    President Obama announced a new policy that will accelerate payments to small business contractors so they can reinvest that money in the economy and drive job growth. 

    Small businesses are the primary engine of job creation and job growth across the country. However, in today’s economic climate many face tight budgets and limited resources. With these challenges in mind, last week in his address to Congress the President emphasized the need to take common sense steps to give small businesses the flexibility they need to invest and hire. And that is what we are doing today.

  • Submitted on 21 July 2011

    The Internal Revenue Service encouraged taxpayers to guard against being misled by unscrupulous individuals trying to persuade them to file false claims for tax credits or rebates.

    The IRS has noted an increase in tax-return-related scams, frequently involving unsuspecting taxpayers who normally do not have a filing requirement in the first place. These taxpayers are led to believe they should file a return with the IRS for tax credits, refunds or rebates for which they are not really entitled. Many of these recent scams have been targeted in the South and Midwest.

  • Submitted on 15 July 2011

    More than a quarter million American small businesses export from across all fifty states. They sell U.S. products and services around the world - thereby increasing their revenues, broadening and diversifying their customer base, and supporting good jobs in their communities. A particular priority of President Obama's National Export Initiative (NEI) is to expand exports by small businesses. This will contribute to his goal of doubling U.S. exports by the end of 2014 in order to support two million additional jobs for American workers. We invite more small and medium-sized businesses to join us in this national effort to grow our economy through exports. To help do that, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, the Department of Commerce and the Small Business Administration have unveiled a new Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Tariff Tool. This is a free online tool available to businesses and the public for the first time

Did you know...

Between 2002 and 2007, minority-owned firms outpaced the growth of non-minority firms in gross receipts, employment, and number of firms. Minority firms are an engine of job creation.
Graph for MBE Growth

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