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1993-2003 Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) Report of Substance Abuse Treatment Admissions

Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) 1993-2003
Table of Contents

Title Page



List of Tables

List of Figures

Chapter 1. Description of the Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS)

Chapter 2. Trends in Substance Abuse Treatment Admissions: 1993-2003

Chapter 3. Characteristics of Admissions: 2003

Chapter 4. State Data: 1993-2003

Chapter 5. Topics of Special Interest

Chapter 6. Detoxification: 2003

Appendix A. Background of the Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS)

Appendix B. TEDS Data Elements


List of Tables:


Characteristics of Admissions: 2003 (Minimum Data Set)

Characteristics of Admissions: 2003 (Supplemental Data Set)

State Data: 1993-2003

State Drug Data: 1993-2003

Topics of Special Interest

Detoxification: 2003


2.1a Admissions by primary substance of abuse: TEDS 1993-2003.

2.1b Admissions by primary substance of abuse: TEDS 1993-2003.
Percent distribution

2.2 Admissions by alcohol/drug co-abuse: TEDS 1993-2003.
Number and percent distribution

2.3a Primary alcohol admissions aged 12 and over by State or jurisdiction: TEDS 1993-2003.

2.3b Primary alcohol admissions aged 12 and over by State or jurisdiction: TEDS 1993-2003.
Admissions per 100,000 population aged 12 and over

2.4a Primary heroin admissions aged 12 and over by State or jurisdiction: TEDS 1993-2003.

2.4b Primary heroin admissions aged 12 and over by State or jurisdiction: TEDS 1993-2003.
Admissions per 100,000 population aged 12 and over

2.5a Primary non-heroin opiates/synthetics admissions aged 12 and over by State or jurisdiction: TEDS 1993-2003.

2.5b Primary non-heroin opiates/synthetics admissions aged 12 and over by State or jurisdiction: TEDS 1993-2003.
Admissions per 100,000 population aged 12 and over

2.6a Primary cocaine admissions aged 12 and over by State or jurisdiction: TEDS 1993-2003.

2.6b Primary cocaine admissions aged 12 and over by State or jurisdiction: TEDS 1993-2003.
Admissions per 100,000 population aged 12 and over

2.7a Primary marijuana admissions aged 12 and over by State or jurisdiction: TEDS 1993-2003.

2.7b Primary marijuana admissions aged 12 and over by State or jurisdiction: TEDS 1993-2003.
Admissions per 100,000 population aged 12 and over

2.8a Primary methamphetamine/amphetamine admissions aged 12 and over by State or jurisdiction: TEDS 1993-2003.

2.8b Primary methamphetamine/amphetamine admissions aged 12 and over by State or jurisdiction: TEDS 1993-2003.
Admissions per 100,000 population aged 12 and over

2.9a Admissions by sex, race/ethnicity, and age at admission: TEDS 1993-2003.

2.9b Admissions by sex, race/ethnicity, and age at admission: TEDS 1993-2003 and U.S. population 2003.
Percent distribution

2.10a Admissions by employment status (aged 16 and over) and education (aged 18 and over): TEDS 1993-2003 and U.S. population 2003.
Percent distribution

2.10b Admissions by employment status (aged 16 and over) and education (aged 18 and over): TEDS 1993-2003.
Percent distribution, adjusted for age, sex, and race/ethnicity

Characteristics of Admissions: 2003 (Minimum Data Set)

3.1a Admissions by primary substance of abuse, according to sex and race/ethnicity: TEDS 2003.
Column percent distribution

3.1b Admissions by primary substance of abuse, according to sex and race/ethnicity: TEDS 2003.
Row percent distribution

3.2a Admissions by primary substance of abuse, according to age at admission: TEDS 2003.
Column percent distribution and average age at admission

3.2b Admissions by primary substance of abuse, according to age at admission: TEDS 2003.
Row percent distribution

3.3a Admissions by primary substance of abuse, according to selected race/ethnicity/sex/age groups: TEDS 2003.
Column percent distribution

3.3b Admissions by primary substance of abuse, according to selected race/ethnicity/sex/age groups: TEDS 2003.
Row percent distribution

3.4 Admissions by primary substance of abuse, according to frequency of use, route of administration, and age at first use: TEDS 2003.
Percent distribution

3.5 Admissions by primary substance of abuse, according to source of referral to treatment and number of prior treatment episodes: TEDS 2003.
Percent distribution

3.6 Admissions by primary substance of abuse, according to type of service and planned use of opioid treatment: TEDS 2003.
Percent distribution

3.7 Admissions by primary substance of abuse, according to employment status (aged 16 and over) and education (aged 18 and over): TEDS 2003.
Percent distribution

Characteristics of Admissions: 2003 (Supplemental Data Set)

3.8 Admissions by primary substance of abuse, according to marital status, living arrangements, pregnancy status, and veteran status: TEDS 2003.
Percent distribution

3.9 Admissions by primary substance of abuse, according to psychiatric problem in addition to substance abuse problem and DSM diagnosis: TEDS 2003.
Percent distribution

3.10 Admissions by primary substance of abuse, according to primary source of income and not-in-labor-force (detail): TEDS 2003.
Percent distribution

3.11 Admissions by primary substance of abuse, according to type of health insurance and actual/expected primary source of payment: TEDS 2003.
Percent distribution

3.12 Admissions by primary substance of abuse, according to criminal justice referral (detail) and days waiting to enter treatment: TEDS 2003.
Percent distribution

3.13 Admissions by primary, secondary, and tertiary detailed drug: TEDS 2003.
Number and percent distribution

State Drug Data: 1993-2003

2.3a Primary alcohol admissions aged 12 and over by State or jurisdiction: TEDS 1993-2003.

2.3b Primary alcohol admissions aged 12 and over by State or jurisdiction: TEDS 1993-2003.
Admissions per 100,000 population aged 12 and over

2.4a Primary heroin admissions aged 12 and over by State or jurisdiction: TEDS 1993-2003.

2.4b Primary heroin admissions aged 12 and over by State or jurisdiction: TEDS 1993-2003.
Admissions per 100,000 population aged 12 and over

2.5a Primary non-heroin opiates/synthetics admissions aged 12 and over by State or jurisdiction: TEDS 1993-2003.

2.5b Primary non-heroin opiates/synthetics admissions aged 12 and over by State or jurisdiction: TEDS 1993-2003.
Admissions per 100,000 population aged 12 and over

2.6a Primary cocaine admissions aged 12 and over by State or jurisdiction: TEDS 1993-2003.

2.6b Primary cocaine admissions aged 12 and over by State or jurisdiction: TEDS 1993-2003.
Admissions per 100,000 population aged 12 and over

2.7a Primary marijuana admissions aged 12 and over by State or jurisdiction: TEDS 1993-2003.

2.7b Primary marijuana admissions aged 12 and over by State or jurisdiction: TEDS 1993-2003.
Admissions per 100,000 population aged 12 and over

2.8a Primary methamphetamine/amphetamine admissions aged 12 and over by State or jurisdiction: TEDS 1993-2003.

2.8b Primary methamphetamine/amphetamine admissions aged 12 and over by State or jurisdiction: TEDS 1993-2003.
Admissions per 100,000 population aged 12 and over

State Data: 1993-2003

4.1 State data system reporting characteristics: TEDS 2003

4.2a Admissions by State or jurisdiction: TEDS 1993-2003.

4.2b Transfers by State or jurisdiction: TEDS 1993-2003.

4.2c Codependents by State or jurisdiction: TEDS 1993-2003.

4.3 Item percentage response rate by State: TEDS Minimum Data Set 2003

4.4 Item percentage response rate by State: TEDS Supplemental Data Set 2003

4.5a Admissions aged 12 and over by State or jurisdiction: TEDS 1993-2003.

4.5b Admissions aged 12 and over by State or jurisdiction: TEDS 1993-2003.
Admissions per 100,000 population aged 12 and over

4.6 Admissions by State or jurisdiction: TEDS 1993-2003.
Admissions per 100,000 population aged 12 and over, adjusted for age, sex, and race/ethnicity

4.7a Admissions aged 12 and over by State or jurisdiction, according to primary substance of abuse: TEDS 2003.

4.7b Admissions aged 12 and over by State or jurisdiction, according to primary substance of abuse: TEDS 2003.
Admissions per 100,000 population aged 12 and over

4.8 Admissions by State or jurisdiction, according to primary substance of abuse: TEDS 2003.
Admissions per 100,000 population aged 12 and over, adjusted for age, sex, and race/ethnicity

Topics of Special Interest

5.1a Admissions aged 12-17 by primary substance of abuse: TEDS 1993-2003.

5.1b Admissions aged 12-17 by primary substance of abuse: TEDS 1993-2003.
Percent distribution

5.2a Admissions aged 12-17 by primary substance of abuse, according to sex and race/ethnicity: TEDS 2003.
Column percent distribution

5.2b Admissions aged 12-17 by primary substance of abuse, according to sex and race/ethnicity: TEDS 2003.
Row percent distribution

5.3a Admissions aged 12-17 by primary substance of abuse, according to age at admission and source of referral to treatment: TEDS 2003.
Column percent distribution

5.3b Admissions aged 12-17 by primary substance of abuse, according to age at admission and source of referral to treatment: TEDS 2003.
Row percent distribution

5.4 Admissions aged 12-17 by alcohol/marijuana involvement: TEDS 1993-2003.
Number and percent distribution

5.5a Admissions aged 12-17 by marijuana involvement and source of referral to treatment: TEDS 1993-2003.

5.5b Admissions aged 12-17 by marijuana involvement and source of referral to treatment: TEDS 1993-2003.
Percent distribution

5.6a Heroin admissions by route of administration and planned use of opioid treatment: TEDS 1993-2003.

5.6b Heroin admissions by route of administration and planned use of opioid treatment: TEDS 1993-2003.
Percent distribution

5.7a Heroin admissions by selected route of administration, according to age group and characteristics of first treatment episode: TEDS 1993-2003.

5.7b Heroin admissions by selected route of administration, according to age group: TEDS 1993-2003.
Percent distribution

5.8 Admissions by primary substance of abuse, according to additional substance abuse: TEDS 2003.
Percent distribution

5.9 Substance abuse combinations by selected primary substance of abuse: TEDS 2003.
Number and percent distribution

Detoxification: 2003

6.1a Detoxification admissions by primary substance of abuse, according to sex and race/ethnicity: TEDS 2003.
Column percent distribution

6.1b Detoxification admissions by primary substance of abuse, according to sex and race/ethnicity: TEDS 2003.
Row percent distribution

6.2a Detoxification admissions by primary substance of abuse, according to age at admission: TEDS 2003.
Column percent distribution and average age at admission

6.2b Detoxification admissions by primary substance of abuse, according to age at admission: TEDS 2003.
Row percent distribution

6.3 Detoxification admissions by primary substance of abuse, according to type of detoxification service, planned use of opioid treatment, and source of referral to treatment: TEDS 2003.
Percent distribution

6.4 Detoxification admissions by primary substance of abuse, according to frequency of use and number of prior treatment episodes: TEDS 2003.
Percent distribution


List of Figures

Trends in Substance Abuse Treatment Admissions: 1993-2003

Characteristics of Admissions: 2003

State Data: 1993-2003

Topics of Special Interest

Detoxification: 2003

Trends in Substance Abuse Treatment Admissions: 1993-2003

1 Primary substance of abuse at admission: TEDS 1993-2003

2 Co-abuse of alcohol and drugs at admission: TEDS 1993-2003

3 Primary alcohol admission rates by State: TEDS 1993-2003
(per 100,000 population aged 12 and over)

4 Primary heroin admission rates by State: TEDS 1993-2003
(per 100,000 population aged 12 and over)

5 Primary non-heroin opiates/synthetics admission rates by State: TEDS 1993-2003
(per 100,000 population aged 12 and over)

6 Primary cocaine admission rates by State: TEDS 1993-2003
(per 100,000 population aged 12 and over)

7 Primary marijuana admission rates by State: TEDS 1993-2003
(per 100,000 population aged 12 and over)

8 Primary methamphetamine/amphetamine admission rates by State:
TEDS 1993-2003 (per 100,000 population aged 12 and over)

9 Age at admission: TEDS 1993-2003

10 Race/ethnicity of admissions: TEDS 1993-2003

11 Employment status at admission, aged 16 and over: TEDS 1993-2003

12 Education at admission, aged 18 and over: TEDS 1993-2003

Characteristics of Admissions: 2003

13 All admissions. Admissions by sex, age, and race/ethnicity: TEDS 2003

14 Alcohol only. Admissions by sex, age, and race/ethnicity: TEDS 2003

15 Alcohol with secondary drug abuse. Admissions by sex, age, and race/ethnicity: TEDS 2003

16 Heroin. Admissions by sex, age, and race/ethnicity: TEDS 2003

17 Other opiates. Admissions by sex, age, and race/ethnicity: TEDS 2003

18 Smoked cocaine (crack). Admissions by sex, age, and race/ethnicity: TEDS 2003

19 Non-smoked cocaine. Admissions by sex, age, and race/ethnicity: TEDS 2003

20 Marijuana/hashish. Admissions by sex, age, and race/ethnicity: TEDS 2003

21 Methamphetamine/amphetamine and other stimulants. Admissions by sex, age, and race/ethnicity: TEDS 2003

22 Tranquilizers. Admissions by sex, age, and race/ethnicity: TEDS 2003

23 Sedatives. Admissions by sex, age, and race/ethnicity: TEDS 2003

24 Hallucinogens. Admissions by sex, age, and race/ethnicity: TEDS 2003

25 Phencyclidine (PCP). Admissions by sex, age, and race/ethnicity: TEDS 2003

26 Inhalants. Admissions by sex, age, and race/ethnicity: TEDS 2003

State Data: 1993-2003

27a All admissions, and States or jurisdictions averaging 5,000 or more admissions per month: TEDS 1993-2003.
Monthly admissions

27b States or jurisdictions averaging 3,000-4,999 admissions per month: TEDS 1993-2003.
Monthly admissions

27c States or jurisdictions averaging 1,500-2,999 admissions per month: TEDS 1993-2003.
Monthly admissions

27d States or jurisdictions averaging 1,000-1,499 admissions per month: TEDS 1993-2003.
Monthly admissions

27e States or jurisdictions averaging 500-999 admissions per month: TEDS 1993-2003.
Monthly admissions

27f States or jurisdictions averaging fewer than 500 admissions per month: TEDS 1993-2003.
Monthly admissions

Topics of Special Interest

28 Adolescent admissions by primary substance: TEDS 1993-2003

29 Adolescent admissions by source of referral to treatment: TEDS 1993-2003

30 Adolescent admissions by marijuana involvement and criminal justice referral: TEDS 1993-2003

31 Planned use of opioid treatment by route of heroin administration: TEDS 1993-2003

32 Heroin admissions under age 30 by route of administration: TEDS 1993-2003

33 Primary and secondary/tertiary substance abuse: TEDS 2003

34 White (non-Hispanic). Admissions by primary substance, sex, and age: TEDS 2003

35 Black (non-Hispanic). Admissions by primary substance, sex, and age: TEDS 2003

36 Mexican origin. Admissions by primary substance, sex, and age: TEDS 2003

37 Puerto Rican origin. Admissions by primary substance, sex, and age: TEDS 2003

38 American Indian/Alaska Native. Admissions by primary substance, sex, and age: TEDS 2003

39 Asian/Pacific Islander. Admissions by primary substance, sex, and age: TEDS 2003

Detoxification: 2003

40 Detoxification admissions by sex, age, and primary substance: TEDS 2003

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