
As a medical professional, you receive a commission in the Army National Guard Medical Department. You are recognized as both a military officer and a medical professional. You get the authority and support you need to get the job done, in addition to all the traditional respect and privileges due the rank.


  • Receive up to a $75,000 accession cash bonus paid over the three years at $25,000, when signing a three-year service agreement.
  • In Residency? In medical, dental, or nursing school?  Receive $1,600 a month as a student stipend for serving with us. This is in addition to your drill pay.

Loan Repayment

A maximum of $20,000 will be applied to your education loan for the first two years with the final $10,000 being paid the third year, up to a maximum of $50,000.

For more information contact an AMEDD Coordinator at. 904-823-0392 or 904-823-0384.