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Training Profiles
OWC CTP workshop
Engaged workshop participants, courtesy of Old Woman Creek NERR
Across the NERRS, the Coastal Training Program addresses a vast array of coastal issues important to decision-maker audiences.  Many of these issues have a specific local or regional focus requiring the development and delivery of tailored trainings to meet the needs of targeted local audiences.  Frequently, reserves implement trainings that provide hands-on activities, identify real life demonstrations or examples, include site visits, offer small group interactions or are classroom-based. 

In some instances, customizable training workshops are being developed that can be applied accross the reserve system.  The 'Planning for Climate Change' workshop developed by the Padilla Bay Coastal Training Program and several partners is an example of this effort.  Piloted in the Pacific Northwest, the workshop's materials are available for other reserves  to customize for their geographic region. The Lake Superior NERR and Old Woman Creek NERR held several Great Lakes Planning for Climate Change workshops in 2011.  More information is available online.

Grand Bay CTP participants

CTP Workshop participants, courtesy of Grand Bay NERR
Profiles of past CTP trainings provide a glimse into the depth and breadth of the valuable services provided to persons making decisions that affect our nation's coasts. 

Training Profiles...

Last Updated on: Wednesday, August 08, 2012
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