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Title: Emerald ash borer aftermath forests: The dynamics of ash mortality and the responses of other plant species

Author: Knight, Kathleen S.; Herms, Daniel A.; Cardina, John; Long, Robert; Rebbeck, Joanne; Gandhi, Kamal J.K.; Smith, Annemarie; Klooster, Wendy S.; Herms, Catherine P.; Royo, Alejandro A.

Year: 2010

Publication: In: Michler, Charles H.; Ginzel, Matthew D., eds. 2010. Proceedings of symposium on ash in North America; 2010 March 9-11; West Lafayette, IN. Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-P-72. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station: 11.

Abstract: The effects of emerald ash borer (EAB) (Agrilus planipennis) on forest ecosystems are being studied through a collaborative research program involving the U.S. Forest Service's Northern Research Station and The Ohio State University. We are monitoring the decline and mortality of >4,500 ash trees and saplings, EAB population density, changes in understory light availability, responses of both native and invasive plant species, changes in species composition and forest structure, and effects on other organisms and ecosystem processes in more than 250 monitoring plots (and subsets thereof) in forests in Ohio, Michigan, and Pennsylvania along a gradient of EAB-infestation duration.

Last Modified: 12/13/2010

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