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Every cybersecurity role requires an individual to perform certain duties, or Tasks. These Tasks are examples of the type of work that would be assigned to a professional working in one of the Framework’s Specialty Areas.

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ViewAcquire and maintain a working knowledge of relevant laws, regulations, policies, standards, or procedures
ViewAcquire and manage the necessary resources, including leadership support, financial resources, and key security personnel, to support IT security goals and objectives and reduce overall organizational risk
ViewAcquire necessary resources, including financial resources, to conduct an effective enterprise continuity of operations program
ViewAdminister Computer Network Defense test bed and test and evaluate new Computer Network Defense applications, rules/signatures, access controls, and configurations of Computer Network Defense service provider managed platforms
ViewAdminister the indexing/cataloguing, storage, and access of organizational documents
ViewAdvise appropriate senior leadership or Authorizing Official of changes affecting the organization's IA posture
ViewAdvise senior management (e.g., CIO) on cost/benefit analysis of information security programs, policies, processes, and systems, and elements
ViewAdvise senior management (e.g., CIO) on risk levels and security posture
ViewAdvocate organization's official position in legal and legislative proceedings
ViewAnalyze and define data requirements and specifications
ViewAnalyze and plan for anticipated changes in data capacity requirements
ViewAnalyze computer systems activity
ViewAnalyze computer-generated threats
ViewAnalyze design constraints, analyze trade-offs and detailed system and security design, and consider lifecycle support
ViewAnalyze identified malicious activity to determine weaknesses exploited, exploitation methods, effects on system and information
ViewAnalyze information to determine, recommend, and plan the development of a new application or modification of an existing application
ViewAnalyze information with other relevant data sources to develop a common operational picture of criminal and foreign threats to information infrastructure
ViewAnalyze organizational information security policy
ViewAnalyze site/enterprise Computer Network Defense policies and configurations and evaluate compliance with regulations and enterprise directives
ViewAnalyze the results of end-to-end testing (e.g., software, hardware, transport, seams, interfaces, etc.)
ViewAnalyze user needs and requirements to plan and conduct system security development
ViewAnalyze user needs and requirements to plan system architecture
ViewAnalyze user needs and software requirements to determine feasibility of design within time and cost constraints
ViewApply assessment data of identified threats in decision making
ViewApply coding and testing standards, apply security testing tools (including "'fuzzing" static-analysis code scanning tools), and conduct code reviews
ViewApply defensive functions (e.g., encryption, access control, and identity management) to reduce exploitation opportunities of supply chain vulnerabilities
ViewApply secure code documentation
ViewApply security policies to applications that interface with one another, such as Business-to-Business (B2B) applications
ViewApply security policies to meet security objectives of the system
ViewApply service oriented security architecture principles to meet organization's confidentiality, integrity, and availability requirements
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