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Title: Large area comparisons of forest management practices in West Virginia (1951-present)

Author: Schuler, Thomas M.; Ford, W. Mark; Adams, Mary Beth; Kochenderfer, James N.; Edwards, Pamela J.

Year: 2006

Publication: In: Irland, Lloyd C.; Camp, Ann E.; Brissette, John C.; and Donohew, Zachary R., eds. Long-term Silvicultural & Ecological Studies: Results for Science and Management. New Haven, CT: Yale University: 94-103

Abstract: Changes in species composition and possible associated changes in forest productivity after timber harvesting have important implications with respect to forest management options for landowners and for regional wood using industries. To better understand partial harvesting and its impacts, a study employing three different partial cutting practices, with monitoring of unmanaged reference stands, was initiated in 1951 and continues to date on the Fernow Experimental Forest in West Virginia.

Last Modified: 1/24/2007

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