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New Free E-books Available about Two Famous NASA Space Telescopes

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has been providing astounding images of the universe since April 1990 and has led to remarkable discoveries. NASA's James Webb Space Telescope is the next-generation telescope that will peer even deeper into space and unveil even more mysteries. Both of these extraordinary telescopes are now the topics of two free e-books available from the Apple iBookstore.

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Around The Institute

HLA Data Release 5

HLA Data Release 5 The Hubble Legacy Archive (HLA) announces the availability of Data Release 5 as of March 8, 2011. New in this release are a new, interactive footprint interface (pictured); multi-wavelength source lists; high-level WFC3 science products from the Early-Release Science and the Multi-Cycle Treasury program CANDELS; and the ability to obtain source information directly from the Interactive Display overlay. DR5 also completes the processing of the WFPC2 data, all of which are now public. Read more...

Very Wide Field Surveys in the Light of Astro2010

Very Wide Field Surveys in the Light of Astro2010 A general theme to the top recommendations of the Astro2010 Decadal Survey is the importance of wide-area surveys. These surveys will provide data that are much deeper and covering larger solid angles than previous surveys, opening new parameter space for discovery. Read more...


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