Federal Aviation Administration


Plan of Action

Plan of Action

The NextGen Implementation Plan serves as the living document where we chart our successes in the past year and plan for the future of NextGen. While there is plenty still to come, many NextGen benefits are already arriving to airports across the country.

This year we've included information about satellite-based surveillance coverage that is available throughout the coastal United States, and along the U.S border with Canada. We' ve also added more than 3,000 GPS landing procedures, providing general aviation with greater access to more than 1,400 airports across the country.

Download your copy of the 2012 update to the NextGen Implementation Plan to learn more about how NextGen is transforming the flying experience today, and paving the way for a whole new way of doing things.

Read more about the implementation plan

Page Last Modified: 09/26/12 13:19 EDT

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