USGS Western Ecological Research Center

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Scientists at the USGS Western Ecological Research Center study the many ecosystems of the Pacific Southwest. Follow our expeditions and projects through this outreach page, and learn more about your local landscape with our library of Outreach Factsheets and photos. Thanks for joining us!

Ben Young Landis
Outreach and Communications Coordinator

WERC Headquarters
3020 State University Drive East
Sacramento, CA 95819
Phone: (916) 278-9495
Fax: (916) 278-9475
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Screenshot of USGS WERC Biweekly Update newsletter --Photographer: USGS Western Ecological Research Center
FRIDAY FEB 08 2013
USGS WERC research roundups are posted twice a month, online and in PDF format. Check back for a run down of new research and events from the USGS W ...more
A collage of scientist Roger Hothem in action. --Photographer: Darrin Bergen
FRIDAY FEB 08 2013
A wildlife biologist and environmental contaminants expert with the Department of Interior for more than 30 years, USGS Western Ecological Research ...more
Scenes from the moving of the WERC Dixon Field Station. --Photographer: Tom Kimball/USGS
The USGS Western Ecological Research Center relocated its Dixon Field Station recently from its old address at 6924 Tremont Road.   The Dixon Field ...more
Right photo provided by the Kaepernick family showing NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick with his pet African spurred tortoise. Left photo from --Photographer: Rick Kaepernick/NFL
The San Francisco 49ers came short of a Super Bowl victory this past Sunday, and perhaps no one is taking it harder than star quarterback Colin Kaeper ...more
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